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# bpkg [![Build Status](]( [![Backers on Open Collective](](#backers) [![Sponsors on Open Collective](](#sponsors)
10 years ago
_JavaScript has npm, Ruby has Gems, Python has pip and now Shell has bpkg!_
`bpkg` is a lightweight bash package manager. It takes care of fetching the shell scripts, installing them appropriately, setting the execution permission and more.
10 years ago
You can install shell scripts globally (on `/usr/local/bin`) or use them on a _per-project basis_ (on `./deps/`), as a lazy-man "copy and paste".
* [Install](#install)
* [0. Dependencies](#0-dependencies)
* [1. Install script](#1-install-script)
* [2. clib](#2-clib)
* [3. Source Code](#3-source-code)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Installing packages](#installing-packages)
* [Packages With Dependencies](#packages-with-dependencies)
* [Retrieving package info](#retrieving-package-info)
* [Package details](#package-details)
* [package.json](#packagejson)
* [name](#name)
* [version (optional)](#version-optional)
* [description](#description)
* [global](#global)
* [install](#install-1)
* [scripts](#scripts)
* [files](#files)
* [dependencies (optional)](#dependencies-optional)
* [Packaging best practices](#packaging-best-practices)
* [Package exports](#package-exports)
* [Sponsors](#sponsors)
* [License](#license)
## Install
You can install `bpkg` from three distinct ways:
### 0. Dependencies
* [curl](
* [coreutils](
### 1. Install script
Our install script is the simplest way. It takes care of everything for you, placing `bpkg` and related scripts on `/usr/local/bin`.
Paste the following on your shell and you're good to go:
10 years ago
$ curl -Lo- "" | bash
10 years ago
### 2. clib
[clib][clib] is a package manager for C projects. If you already have it, installing `bpkg` is a simple matter of:
10 years ago
$ clib install bpkg/bpkg
### 3. Source Code
To directly install `bpkg` from its source code you have to clone its repository and run the `` script:
10 years ago
$ git clone
$ cd bpkg
$ ./
Or in a directory with user write permission, like `$HOME/opt/bin`
$ git clone
$ cd bpkg
$ PREFIX=$HOME/opt ./
## Usage
You use `bpkg` by simply sending commands, pretty much like `npm` or `pip`.
### Installing packages
10 years ago
Packages can either be global (on `/usr/local/bin`) or local (under `./deps`).
10 years ago
For example, here's a **global install** of the [term package][term]:
10 years ago
$ bpkg install term -g
$ term
10 years ago
And the same package as a **local install**:
10 years ago
$ bpkg install term
$ ./deps/term/
10 years ago
After a local install the `` script is copied as `term` to the `deps/bin` directory, you can add this directory to the `PATH` with
export PATH=$PATH:/path_to_bkpg/deps/bin
10 years ago
As a bonus, you can specify a **specific version**:
10 years ago
$ bpkg install jwerle/ -g
**Note:** to do that the packages **must be tagged releases** on the repository.
10 years ago
You can also *install packages without a `package.json`*.
As long as there is a `Makefile` in the repository it will try to invoke `make install` as long as the `-g` or `--global` flags are set when invoking `bpkg install`.
For example you could install [git-standup]( with an omitted `package.json` because of the `Makefile` and the `install` target found in it.
$ bpkg install stephenmathieson/git-standup -g
info: Using latest (master)
warn: Package doesn't exist
warn: Missing build script
warn: Trying `make install'...
info: install: `make install'
cp -f git-standup /usr/local/bin
### Packages With Dependencies
You can install a packages dependencies with the `bpkg getdeps` command. These will recursively install in `deps/` sub-folders to resolve all dependencies.
_Note: There is no protection against circular dependencies, so be careful!_
### Retrieving package info
After installing a package, you can obtain info from it using `bpkg`.
10 years ago
Supposing you're on the root of a package directory, the following commands show that package metadata:
10 years ago
# Asking for single information
10 years ago
$ bpkg package name
$ bpkg package version
# Dumping all the metadata
10 years ago
$ bpkg package
["name"] "bpkg"
["version"] "0.0.5"
["description"] "Lightweight bash package manager"
["global"] true
["install"] "make install"
## Package details
Here we lay down some info on the structure of a package.
10 years ago
## package.json
Every package must have a file called `package.json`; it specifies package metadata on the [JSON format][json].
Here's an example of a well-formed `package.json`:
"name": "term",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Terminal utility functions",
"scripts": [ "" ],
"install": "make install"
All fields are mandatory except when noted.
Here's a detailed explanation on all fields:
10 years ago
### name
The `name` attribute is required as it is used to tell `bpkg` where to put it in the `deps/` directory in you project.
10 years ago
"name": "my-script"
### version (optional)
10 years ago
The `version` attribute is not required but can be useful. It should correspond to the version that is associated with the installed package.
10 years ago
"version": "0.0.1"
### description
A human readable description of what the package offers for functionality.
10 years ago
"description": "This script makes monkeys jump out of your keyboard"
### global
Indicates that the package is only intended to be install as a script. This allows the omission of the `-g` or `--global` flag during installation.
10 years ago
"global": "true"
### install
Shell script used to invoke in the install script. This is required if the `global` attribute is set to `true` or if the `-g` or `--global` flags are provided.
10 years ago
"install": "make install"
### scripts
This is an array of scripts that will be installed into a project.
"scripts": [""]
### files
This is an array of files that will be installed into a project.
"files": ["bar.txt", "foo.txt"]
### dependencies (optional)
This is a hash of dependencies. The keys are the package names, and the values are the version specifiers. If you want the latest code use `'master'` in the version specifier. Otherwise, use a tagged release identifier. This works the same as `bpkg install`'s package/version specifiers.
"dependencies": {
"term": "0.0.1"
## Packaging best practices
10 years ago
These are guidelines that we strongly encourage developers to follow.
10 years ago
### Package exports
It's nice to have a bash package that can be used in the terminal and also be invoked as a command line function. To achieve this the exporting of your functionality *should* follow this pattern:
10 years ago
if [[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != $0 ]]; then
export -f my_script
my_script "${@}"
exit $?
This allows a user to `source` your script or invoke as a script.
10 years ago
# Running as a script
10 years ago
$ ./ some args --blah
# Sourcing the script
10 years ago
$ source
$ my_script some more args --blah
10 years ago
10 years ago
## Sponsors
10 years ago
**bpkg** wouldn't be where it is today without the help of its authors, contributors, and sponsors:
10 years ago
* [@littlstar]( ([](
* [@spotify]( ([](
10 years ago
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]
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### Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](].
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### Backers
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](]
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## License
`bpkg` is released under the **MIT license**.
See file `LICENSE` for a more detailed description of its terms.