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package bonzai
// Configurer specifies the package configuration driver interface. One
// (and only one) implementation will be assigned to Z.Conf. Every
// implementation *must* assign itself to Z.Conf on init so that
// Bonzai tree developers need only import the implementation package.
// Furthermore, implementations must be maintained in YAML (of which
// JSON is a subset) and be fully compatible with
// The location to which YAML is to be persisted is not specified by
// this interface. Most implementations will use a file in
// os.UserConfigDir. Implementations may use any persistence layer that
// guarantees atomic OverWrites and can be edited with a local system
// editor.
// The Id may be anything that can be a YAML key, but use of Unicode
// Letter class runes is strongly recommended. Usually, the id will be
// derived from the name of the executable binary or Cmd.Root Bonzai node
// command.
// Configuration data is designed to change less frequently than cache
// data (see Vars) and is always updated by editing the entire YAML file
// (never through future Set methods). It is important that
// configuration data not be abused and unnecessarily bloated to remain
// performant.
// The Init and OverWrite methods are destructive. The argument passed
// to OverWrite will be marshalled to YAML and completely replace the
// existing configuration in a way that must guarantee atomic,
// system-wide write safety. (Locking a file is insufficient alone.)
// Query implementations must trim any initial or trailing white space
// (usually just a single line return from yq, for example) in order to
// ensure that the resulting values for edge matches can be used without
// needing a trim.
type Configurer interface {
Init() error // must initialize a new configuration
Data() (string, error) // must return full YAML
Print() error // must print full YAML to os.Stdout
Edit() error // must open full YAML in local editor
OverWrite(with any) error // safely replace all configuration
Query(q string) (string, error) // yq compatible query string
QueryPrint(q string) error // prints result to os.Stdout
// Vars specifies the package persistent variables driver interface. All
// implementations must assign themselves to Z.Vars during init. One
// (and only one) persistent variable driver is allowed per executable.
// Implementations must persist (cache) simple string key/value
// variables Implementations of Vars can persist in different ways, but
// most will write to os.UserCacheDir. Files, network storage, or cloud
// databases, etc. are all allowed and expected. However, each must
// always present the data in a .key=val format with \r and \n escaped
// and the key never must contain an equal (=). (Equal signs in the
// value are ignored.) This is the fastest format to read and parse.
type Vars interface {
Init() error // initialize completely new cache
Data() string // k=v with \r and \n escaped in v
Print() // (printed)
Get(key string) string // accessor
Set(key, val string) error // mutator
Del(key string) // destroyer
OverWrite(with string) error // safely replace all cache
// Completer specifies a struct with a Complete function that will
// complete the given bonzai.Command with the given arguments.
// The Complete function must never panic and always return at least an
// empty slice of strings.
type Completer interface {
Complete(x Command, args ...string) []string
// Section is a section from the Other attribute.
type Section interface {
GetTitle() string
GetBody() string
// Command interface encapsulates the Z.Cmd implementation under the
// bonzai/z package enabling the use of the interface type when an
// interface is needed, for example, when implementing Completers to
// avoid cyclical import dependencies. For consistency, dynamic
// attributes like Title() have been given a GetTitle() variation as
// well.
type Command interface {
GetName() string
GetTitle() string
GetAliases() []string
GetSummary() string
GetUsage() string
GetVersion() string
GetCopyright() string
GetLicense() string
GetDescription() string
GetSite() string
GetSource() string
GetIssues() string
GetCommands() []Command
GetCommandNames() []string
GetParams() []string
GetHidden() []string
GetOther() []Section
GetOtherTitles() []string
GetComp() Completer
GetCaller() Command
GetMinArgs() int
GetMinParm() int
GetMaxParm() int
GetUseConf() bool
GetUseVars() bool