You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2 years ago
package Z
import (
// UsageGroup uses Bonzai usage notation, a basic form of regular
// expressions, to describe the arguments allowed where each argument is
// a literal string (avoid spaces). The arguments are joined with bars
// (|) and wrapped with parentheses producing a regex group. The min
// and max are then applied by adding the following regex decorations
// after the final parenthesis:
// - min=1 max=1 (exactly one)
// ? - min=0 max=0 (none or many)
// + - min=1 max=0 (one or more)
// {min,} - min>0 max=0 (min, no max)
// {min,max} - min>0 max>0 (min and max)
// {,max} - min=0 max>0 (max, no min)
// An empty args slice returns an empty string. If only one arg, then
// that arg is simply returned and min and max are ignored. Arguments
// that are empty strings are ignored. No transformation is done to the
// string itself (such as removing white space).
func UsageGroup(args []string, min, max int) string {
args = filt.NotEmpty(args)
switch len(args) {
case 0:
return ""
case 1:
return args[0]
var dec string
switch {
case min == 1 && max == 1:
case min == 0 && max == 0:
dec = "?"
case min == 1 && max == 0:
dec = "+"
case min > 1 && max == 0:
dec = fmt.Sprintf("{%v,}", min)
case min > 0 && max > 0:
dec = fmt.Sprintf("{%v,%v}", min, max)
case min == 0 && max > 1:
dec = fmt.Sprintf("{,%v}", max)
return "(" + strings.Join(args, "|") + ")" + dec