You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

192 lines
6.0 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 esotericnonsense (Daniel Edgecumbe)
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
import datetime
import curses
import asyncio
import view
class WalletView(view.View):
_mode_name = "wallet"
def __init__(self, txidsetter, modesetter):
self._txidsetter = txidsetter
self._modesetter = modesetter
self._wallet = None
self._tx_offset = None # (index, hash of wallet)
self._selected_tx = None # (index, hash of wallet)
async def _draw_wallet(self, wallet):
CGREEN = curses.color_pair(1)
CRED = curses.color_pair(3)
CYELLOW = curses.color_pair(5)
CBOLD = curses.A_BOLD
if "transactions" in wallet:
offset = self._tx_offset[0]
self._pad.addstr(0, 1, "Transactions: {}".format(
len(wallet["transactions"])), CBOLD)
self._pad.addstr(0, 68, "[UP/DOWN: browse, ENTER: select]", CYELLOW)
if offset > 0:
self._pad.addstr(1, 25, "... ^ ...", CBOLD)
if offset < len(wallet["transactions"]) - 11:
self._pad.addstr(19, 25, "... v ...", CBOLD)
for i, tx in enumerate(wallet["transactions"]):
if i < offset:
if i > offset+5:
color = CGREEN if tx["amount"] >= 0 else CRED
# if i == self._selected_tx[0] and self._hash == self._selected_tx[1]:
if i == self._selected_tx[0]:
# hackerino
self._pad.addstr(2+((i-offset)*3), 1, " " * 98, color)
self._pad.addstr(2+((i-offset)*3)+1, 1, " " * 98, color)
self._pad.addstr(2+((i-offset)*3), 1, "{}".format(
), color)
self._pad.addstr(2+((i-offset)*3), 30, "block: {: 7d}".format(tx["blockindex"]), color)
self._pad.addstr(2+((i-offset)*3), 81, "{: 15.8f} BTC".format(
), color)
self._pad.addstr(2+((i-offset)*3)+1, 1, "{}".format(tx["address"]), color)
self._pad.addstr(2+((i-offset)*3)+1, 36, "{}".format(tx["txid"]), color)
async def _draw(self):
if self._wallet:
await self._draw_wallet(self._wallet)
async def on_sinceblock(self, key, obj):
# TODO: if no changes don't reset cursor or do anything?
wallet = obj["result"]
except KeyError:
if self._wallet is not None:
if wallet["lastblock"] == self._wallet["lastblock"]:
# No change.
def sort_wallet_tx(tx):
return (tx["timereceived"], tx["amount"])
# Sort it.
wallet["transactions"] = sorted(wallet["transactions"], key=sort_wallet_tx, reverse=True)
self._wallet = wallet
# TODO: scan the old and new wallets, select the same tx, update offset.
if self._selected_tx is None:
self._selected_tx = (0, None)
if self._tx_offset is None:
self._tx_offset = (0, None)
await self._draw_if_visible()
async def _select_previous_transaction(self):
if self._hash is None:
return # Can't do anything
if self._selected_tx == None or self._selected_tx[1] != self._hash:
return # Can't do anything
if self._tx_offset == None or self._tx_offset[1] != self._hash:
return # Can't do anything
if not self._wallet:
if self._selected_tx[0] == 0:
return # At the beginning already.
if self._selected_tx[0] == self._tx_offset[0]:
self._tx_offset = (self._tx_offset[0] - 1, self._tx_offset[1])
self._selected_tx = (self._selected_tx[0] - 1, self._selected_tx[1])
await self._draw_if_visible()
async def _select_next_transaction(self):
if self._hash is None:
return # Can't do anything
if self._selected_tx == None or self._selected_tx[1] != self._hash:
return # Can't do anything
if self._tx_offset == None or self._tx_offset[1] != self._hash:
return # Can't do anything
if not self._wallet:
if self._selected_tx[0] == len(self._wallet["transactions"]) - 1:
return # At the end already
if self._selected_tx[0] == self._tx_offset[0] + 5:
self._tx_offset = (self._tx_offset[0] + 1, self._tx_offset[1])
self._selected_tx = (self._selected_tx[0] + 1, self._selected_tx[1])
await self._draw_if_visible()
async def _enter_transaction_view(self):
if self._hash is None:
return # Can't do anything
if self._selected_tx == None or self._selected_tx[1] != self._hash:
return # Can't do anything
if self._tx_offset == None or self._tx_offset[1] != self._hash:
return # This shouldn't matter, but skip anyway
if self._selected_tx == None:
return # Can't do anything
txid = self._wallet["transactions"][self._selected_tx[0]]["txid"]
await self._txidsetter(txid)
await self._modesetter("transaction")
async def handle_keypress(self, key):
assert self._visible
if key == "KEY_UP":
await self._select_previous_transaction()
return None
if key == "KEY_DOWN":
await self._select_next_transaction()
return None
if key == "KEY_RETURN" or key == "\n":
await self._enter_transaction_view()
return None
return key