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bat/tests/syntax-tests/source/Fortran (Modern)/test_savetxt.f90

120 lines
3.5 KiB

program test_savetxt
use stdlib_kinds, only: int32, sp, dp
use stdlib_io, only: loadtxt, savetxt
use stdlib_error, only: check
implicit none
character(:), allocatable :: outpath
outpath = get_outpath() // "/tmp.dat"
call test_iint32(outpath)
call test_rsp(outpath)
call test_rdp(outpath)
call test_csp(outpath)
call test_cdp(outpath)
function get_outpath() result(outpath)
integer :: ierr
character(256) :: argv
character(:), allocatable :: outpath
call get_command_argument(1, argv, status=ierr)
if (ierr==0) then
outpath = trim(argv)
outpath = '.'
end function get_outpath
subroutine test_iint32(outpath)
character(*), intent(in) :: outpath
integer(int32) :: d(3, 2), e(2, 3)
integer(int32), allocatable :: d2(:, :)
d = reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [3, 2])
call savetxt(outpath, d)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [3, 2]))
call check(all(abs(d-d2) == 0))
e = reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3])
call savetxt(outpath, e)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [2, 3]))
call check(all(abs(e-d2) == 0))
end subroutine
subroutine test_rsp(outpath)
character(*), intent(in) :: outpath
real(sp) :: d(3, 2), e(2, 3)
real(sp), allocatable :: d2(:, :)
d = reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [3, 2])
call savetxt(outpath, d)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [3, 2]))
call check(all(abs(d-d2) < epsilon(1._sp)))
e = reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3])
call savetxt(outpath, e)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [2, 3]))
call check(all(abs(e-d2) < epsilon(1._sp)))
end subroutine test_rsp
subroutine test_rdp(outpath)
character(*), intent(in) :: outpath
real(dp) :: d(3, 2), e(2, 3)
real(dp), allocatable :: d2(:, :)
d = reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [3, 2])
call savetxt(outpath, d)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [3, 2]))
call check(all(abs(d-d2) < epsilon(1._dp)))
e = reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3])
call savetxt(outpath, e)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [2, 3]))
call check(all(abs(e-d2) < epsilon(1._dp)))
end subroutine test_rdp
subroutine test_csp(outpath)
character(*), intent(in) :: outpath
complex(sp) :: d(3, 2), e(2, 3)
complex(sp), allocatable :: d2(:, :)
d = cmplx(1, 1,kind=sp)* reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [3, 2])
call savetxt(outpath, d)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [3, 2]))
call check(all(abs(d-d2) < epsilon(1._sp)))
e = cmplx(1, 1,kind=sp)* reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3])
call savetxt(outpath, e)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [2, 3]))
call check(all(abs(e-d2) < epsilon(1._sp)))
end subroutine test_csp
subroutine test_cdp(outpath)
character(*), intent(in) :: outpath
complex(dp) :: d(3, 2), e(2, 3)
complex(dp), allocatable :: d2(:, :)
d = cmplx(1._dp, 1._dp,kind=dp)* reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [3, 2])
call savetxt(outpath, d)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [3, 2]))
call check(all(abs(d-d2) < epsilon(1._dp)))
e = cmplx(1, 1,kind=dp)* reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3])
call savetxt(outpath, e)
call loadtxt(outpath, d2)
call check(all(shape(d2) == [2, 3]))
call check(all(abs(e-d2) < epsilon(1._dp)))
end subroutine test_cdp
end program test_savetxt