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with "config/click_config.gpr";
project Click is
for Library_Name use "Click";
for Library_Version use Project'Library_Name & ".so." & Click_Config.Crate_Version;
for Source_Dirs use ("src/", "config/");
for Object_Dir use "obj/" & Click_Config.Build_Profile;
for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";
for Library_Dir use "lib";
type Library_Type_Type is ("relocatable", "static", "static-pic");
Library_Type : Library_Type_Type :=
external ("CLICK_LIBRARY_TYPE", external ("LIBRARY_TYPE", "static"));
for Library_Kind use Library_Type;
package Compiler is
for Default_Switches ("Ada") use Click_Config.Ada_Compiler_Switches & ("-gnatX", "-gnat2022");
end Compiler;
package Binder is
for Switches ("Ada") use ("-Es"); -- Symbolic traceback
end Binder;
package Install is
for Artifacts (".") use ("share");
end Install;
end Click;