You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

220 lines
31 KiB

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import QtQuick 2.0
import "../components"
Page {
 id: page
 // properties
 property bool startup: true
 readonly property var var1: null
 readonly property QtObject var2: null
 allowedOrientations: Orientation.All
 /* components */
 DBusServiceWatcher {
 id: dbusService
 service: "org.bat.service"
 onRegisteredChanged: {
 if (dbusService.registered) {
 announcedNameField.text = daemon.announcedName()
 Component.onCompleted: {
 Flickable {
 anchors.fill: parent
 contentHeight: column.height
 visible: dbusService.registered
 ViewPlaceholder {
 enabled: !startup
 && trustedDevices.count == 0
 && nearDevices.count == 0
 text: qsTr("Install Bat.")
 Column {
 id: column
 width: page.width
 spacing: Theme.paddingLarge
 PageHeader {
 title: qsTr("Syntax Test")
 TextField {
 id: announcedNameField
 width: parent.width
 label: qsTr("Device Name")
 text: dbusService.registered ? daemon.announcedName() : ""
 onActiveFocusChanged: {
 if (activeFocus)
 if (text.length === 0) {
 text = daemon.announcedName()
 } else {
 placeholderText = text
 EnterKey.onClicked: announcedNameField.focus = false
 EnterKey.iconSource: "image://theme/icon-m-enter-close"
 Component {
 id: deviceDelegate
 ListItem {
 id: listItem
 property bool showStatus: deviceStatusLabel.text.length
 width: page.width
 height: Theme.itemSizeMedium
 Image {
 id: icon
 source: iconUrl
 x: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
 sourceSize.width: Theme.iconSizeMedium
 sourceSize.height: Theme.iconSizeMedium
 Label {
 id: deviceNameLabel
 anchors {
 left: icon.right
 leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge
 right: parent.right
 rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
 y: listItem.contentHeight / 2 - implicitHeight / 2
 - showStatus * (deviceStatusLabel.implicitHeight / 2)
 text: name
 color: listItem.highlighted
 ? Theme.highlightColor
 : Theme.primaryColor
 truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
 textFormat: Text.PlainText
 Behavior on y { NumberAnimation {} }
 Label {
 id: deviceStatusLabel
 anchors {
 left: deviceNameLabel.left
 top: deviceNameLabel.bottom
 right: parent.right
 rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
 text: (trusted && reachable)
 ? qsTr("Connected")
 : (hasPairingRequests || waitsForPairing
 ? qsTr("Pending pairing request ...") : "")
 color: listItem.highlighted
 ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor
 : Theme.secondaryColor
 truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
 font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall
 opacity: showStatus ? 1.0 : 0.0
 width: parent.width
 textFormat: Text.PlainText
 Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
 onClicked: {
 { deviceId: id })
 DeviceListModel {
 id: devicelistModel
 ColumnView {
 id: devicesView
 width: page.width
 itemHeight: Theme.itemSizeMedium
 model: trustedDevicesModel
 delegate: deviceDelegate
 visible: devicesView.count > 0
 PullDownMenu {
// MenuItem {
// text: qsTr("About ...")
// onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("AboutPage.qml"))
// }
 MenuItem {
 text: qsTr("Settings ...")
 onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SettingsPage.qml"))
 VerticalScrollDecorator {}
 Connections {
 target: ui
 onOpeningDevicePage: openDevicePage(deviceId)
 Timer {
 interval: 1000
 running: true
 repeat: false
 onTriggered: startup = false
 function openDevicePage(deviceId) {
 if (typeof pageStack === "undefined")
 console.log("opening device " + deviceId)
 var devicePage = pageStack.find(function(page) {
 return page.objectName === "DevicePage"
 if (devicePage !== null && devicePage.deviceId === deviceId) {
 pageStack.pop(page, PageStackAction.Immediate)
 { deviceId: deviceId },