import time import os import subprocess as sp # Threshold speed in chars per second THRESHOLD_SPEED = 20000 # Maximum time we allow `bat` to run BAT_TIMEOUT_SEC = 10 # Maximum number of files to measure MAX_NUM_FILES = 100 # Root folder for the search SEARCH_ROOT = os.getenv("HOME") def find_slow_files(startup_time, language, glob_pattern): out = sp.check_output( [ "fd", "--hidden", "--no-ignore", "--type=file", "--max-results", str(MAX_NUM_FILES), "--glob", glob_pattern, SEARCH_ROOT, ] ) paths = out.split(b"\n")[:-1] print(f"Language: {language}, glob pattern: {glob_pattern} ({len(paths)} matches)") for path in paths: num_chars = int(sp.check_output(["wc", "-c", path]).split(b" ")[0].decode()) if num_chars < 500: # It is hard to measure the exact speed for short files continue try: start = time.time() sp.check_output(["bat", "--color=always", path], timeout=BAT_TIMEOUT_SEC) duration = time.time() - start - startup_time if duration <= 0: continue highlighting_speed = num_chars / duration if highlighting_speed < THRESHOLD_SPEED: print(f" {highlighting_speed:10.0f} chars/s: {path.decode()}") except sp.CalledProcessError: print(f" Error while highlighting file '{path.decode()}'.") except sp.TimeoutExpired: if num_chars < THRESHOLD_SPEED * BAT_TIMEOUT_SEC: print(f" Error: bat timed out on file '{path.decode()}'.") else: print( f" Warning: bat timed out on file '{path.decode()} (but the file is large)." ) def measure_bat_startup_speed(): min_duration = None for _ in range(20): start = time.time() p = sp.Popen( ["bat", "--color=always", "--language=py"], stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE ) p.communicate(input=b"test") duration = time.time() - start if not min_duration or duration < min_duration: min_duration = duration return min_duration def main(): print("Measuring 'bat' startup speed ... ", flush=True, end="") startup_time = measure_bat_startup_speed() print(f"{startup_time * 1000:.1f} ms") output = sp.check_output(["bat", "--list-languages"]).decode() for line in output.strip().split("\n"): language, extensions = line.split(":") for ext in extensions.split(","): find_slow_files(startup_time, language, ext) if not ext.startswith("."): find_slow_files(startup_time, language, f"*.{ext}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()