class RepeatedSubstring def find_repeated_substring(s) # catch the edge cases return 'NONE' if s == '' # check if the string consists of only one character => "aaaaaa" => "a" return s.split('').uniq[0] if s.split('').uniq.length == 1 searched = [] longest_prefix = 0 long_prefix = '' (0..s.length - 1).each do |i| next if searched.include? s[i] searched.push(s[i]) next_occurrences = next_index(s, i + 1, s[i]) next_occurrences.each do |next_occurrence| next if next_occurrence == -1 prefix = ge_prefix(s[i..next_occurrence - 1], s[next_occurrence..s.length]) if prefix.length > longest_prefix longest_prefix = prefix.length long_prefix = prefix end end end # if prefix == " " it is a invalid sequence return 'NONE' if long_prefix.strip.empty? long_prefix end def get_prefix(s1, s2) prefix = '' min_length = [s1.length, s2.length].min return '' if s1.nil? || s2.nil? (0..min_length - 1).each do |i| return prefix if s1[i] != s2[i] prefix += s1[i] end prefix end def next_index(seq, index, value) indexes = [] (index..seq.length).each do |i| indexes.push(i) if seq[i] == value end indexes end def find_repeated_substring_file(file_path) { |line| find_repeated_substring(line) } end end