Add fish shell argument completions for --language option

Ethan P 5 years ago committed by David Peter
parent 4ec3cdb5b8
commit 1b2066c5f2

@ -1,7 +1,39 @@
# Fish Shell Completions
# Place or symlink to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/completions/ ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME is usually set to ~/.config)
# Helper function:
function __bat_autocomplete_languages --description "A helper function used by "(status filename)
bat --list-languages | awk '
NR == 1 {
dc = 0;
while (substr($0, dc, 2) != " ") dc++;
while (substr($0, dc, 1) == " ") dc++;
langField = substr($0, 0, dc - 2);
if (langField !~ /^ *$/) {
lang = langField;
sub(/ +$/, "", lang);
split(substr($0, dc), exts, ",");
for (i in exts) {
ext = exts[i]
sub(/^ +/, "", ext); # Trim leading whitespace.
sub(/ +$/, "", ext); # Trim trailing whitespace.
if (ext != "") {
print ext"\t"lang
' | sort
# Completions:
complete -c bat -l color -xka "auto never always" -d "Specify when to use colored output (default: auto)" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from cache"
complete -c bat -l config-dir -d "Display location of 'bat' configuration directory" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from cache"
@ -16,9 +48,7 @@ complete -c bat -s H -l highlight-line -x -d "<N> Highlight the N-th line with a
complete -c bat -l italic-text -xka "always never" -d "Specify when to use ANSI sequences for italic text (default: never)" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from cache"
# TODO: add parameter completion for available languages using option: -xka "(bat --list-languages | cat)"
# but replace 'cat' with some sed/awk like command that only outputs lines of valid options for this flag
complete -c bat -s l -l language -d "Set the language for syntax highlighting" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from cache"
complete -c bat -s l -l language -d "Set the language for syntax highlighting" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from cache" -xa "(__bat_autocomplete_languages)"
complete -c bat -s r -l line-range -x -d "<N:M> Only print the specified range of lines for each file" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from cache"
