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# Interface to test varlink implementations against.
# First you write a varlink client calling:
# Start, Test01, Test02, …, Test09, End
# The return value of the previous call should be the argument of the next call.
# Then you test this client against well known servers like python or rust from
# Next you write a varlink server providing the same service as the well known ones.
# Now run your client against it and run well known clients like python or rust
# from against your server. If all works out, then
# your new language bindings should be varlink certified.
interface org.varlink.certification
type Interface (
 foo: ?[]?[string](foo, bar, baz),
 anon: (foo: bool, bar: bool)
type MyType (
 object: object,
 enum: (one, two, three),
 struct: (first: int, second: string),
 array: []string,
 dictionary: [string]string,
 stringset: [string](),
 nullable: ?string,
 nullable_array_struct: ?[](first: int, second: string),
 interface: Interface
method Start() -> (client_id: string)
method Test01(client_id: string) -> (bool: bool)
method Test02(client_id: string, bool: bool) -> (int: int)
method Test03(client_id: string, int: int) -> (float: float)
method Test04(client_id: string, float: float) -> (string: string)
method Test05(client_id: string, string: string) -> (
 bool: bool,
 int: int,
 float: float,
 string: string
method Test06(
 client_id: string,
 bool: bool,
 int: int,
 float: float,
 string: string
) -> (
 struct: (
 bool: bool,
 int: int,
 float: float,
 string: string
method Test07(
 client_id: string,
 struct: (
 bool: bool,
 int: int,
 float: float,
 string: string
) -> (map: [string]string)
method Test08(client_id: string, map: [string]string) -> (set: [string]())
method Test09(client_id: string, set: [string]()) -> (mytype: MyType)
# returns more than one reply with "continues"
method Test10(client_id: string, mytype: MyType) -> (string: string)
# must be called as "oneway"
method Test11(client_id: string, last_more_replies: []string) -> ()
method End(client_id: string) -> (all_ok: bool)
error ClientIdError ()
error CertificationError (wants: object, got: object)