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48 lines
4.2 KiB
Standard ML

val x = 0
val hello = "hello world"
val id = fn x => x
fun id' x = x
val () = print "hello world\n"
val _ = let
 val hello = "hello"
 val world = "world"
 print (hello ^ " " ^ world ^ "\n")
fun isZero n =
 if n = 0 then true
 else false
fun isTrue b =
 case b of
 true => true
 | false => false
exception Bad_value of string
fun isTrue' b =
 case b of
 true => true
 | _ => raise (Bad_value "value is not true!")
val alwaysTrue =
 isTrue' false handle Bad_value _ => true
datatype myBool = True | False
datatype shape = Square of real | Circle of real | Point
signature FOO = sig
 val foo : 'a -> 'a
structure Foo :> FOO = struct
 fun foo x = x