You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
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use ansi_term::Style;
use diff::LineChange;
use printer::{Colors, Printer};
pub struct DecorationText {
pub width: usize,
pub text: String,
pub trait Decoration {
fn generate(&self, line_number: usize, continuation: bool, printer: &Printer)
-> DecorationText;
fn width(&self) -> usize;
pub struct LineNumberDecoration {
color: Style,
cached_wrap: DecorationText,
cached_wrap_invalid_at: usize,
impl LineNumberDecoration {
pub fn new(colors: &Colors) -> Self {
LineNumberDecoration {
color: colors.line_number,
cached_wrap_invalid_at: 10000,
cached_wrap: DecorationText {
text: colors.line_number.paint(" ".repeat(4)).to_string(),
width: 4,
impl Decoration for LineNumberDecoration {
fn generate(
line_number: usize,
continuation: bool,
_printer: &Printer,
) -> DecorationText {
if continuation {
if line_number > self.cached_wrap_invalid_at {
let new_width = self.cached_wrap.width + 1;
return DecorationText {
text: self.color.paint(" ".repeat(new_width)).to_string(),
width: new_width,
} else {
let plain: String = format!("{:4}", line_number);
DecorationText {
width: plain.len(),
text: self.color.paint(plain).to_string(),
fn width(&self) -> usize {
pub struct LineChangesDecoration {
cached_none: DecorationText,
cached_added: DecorationText,
cached_removed_above: DecorationText,
cached_removed_below: DecorationText,
cached_modified: DecorationText,
impl LineChangesDecoration {
fn generate_cached(style: Style, text: &str) -> DecorationText {
DecorationText {
text: style.paint(text).to_string(),
width: text.chars().count(),
pub fn new(colors: &Colors) -> Self {
LineChangesDecoration {
cached_none: Self::generate_cached(Style::default(), " "),
cached_added: Self::generate_cached(colors.git_added, "+"),
cached_removed_above: Self::generate_cached(colors.git_removed, "‾"),
cached_removed_below: Self::generate_cached(colors.git_removed, "_"),
cached_modified: Self::generate_cached(colors.git_modified, "~"),
impl Decoration for LineChangesDecoration {
fn generate(
line_number: usize,
continuation: bool,
printer: &Printer,
) -> DecorationText {
if !continuation {
if let Some(ref changes) = printer.line_changes {
return match changes.get(&(line_number as u32)) {
Some(&LineChange::Added) => self.cached_added.clone(),
Some(&LineChange::RemovedAbove) => self.cached_removed_above.clone(),
Some(&LineChange::RemovedBelow) => self.cached_removed_below.clone(),
Some(&LineChange::Modified) => self.cached_modified.clone(),
_ => self.cached_none.clone(),
fn width(&self) -> usize {
pub struct GridBorderDecoration {
cached: DecorationText,
impl GridBorderDecoration {
pub fn new(colors: &Colors) -> Self {
GridBorderDecoration {
cached: DecorationText {
text: colors.grid.paint("│").to_string(),
width: 1,
impl Decoration for GridBorderDecoration {
fn generate(
_line_number: usize,
_continuation: bool,
_printer: &Printer,
) -> DecorationText {
fn width(&self) -> usize {