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(ns clojure-sample.core
 (require '[clj-time.core :as t])
 (require '[clj-time.format :as f])
 ;; Product record
 (defrecord Product [id name available price])
 ;; Positional constructor
 (def product1 (->Product "1" "T-Shirt 1" true 15.00))
 ;; Map constructor
 (def product2 (map->Product
 {:id "2"
 :name "T-Shirt 2"
 :available true
 :price 20.00}))
 ;; Nested
 (def product3 {:id "1"
 :name "Product 1"
 :available true
 :sellers [{:id "1"
 :name "Seller 1"
 :stock 3},
 {:id 2
 :name "Seller 2"
 :stock 5}]})
 ;; Set
 (def categories #{"shirts" "shoes" "belts"})
 ;; List
 (def wishlist '(1 2))
 ;; Recursion
 (defn factorial [value] (cond
 (<= value 1) 1
 :else (* value (factorial (- value 1)))))
 (def basic-formatter (f/formatter "YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"))
 (defn now [] (f/unparse basic-formatter (t/now)))
 (defn log
 ([] (println (now) "No message"))
 ([message] (println (now) message)))
 (defn -main
 [& args]
 (println (:id product1))
 (println (:name product2))
 (println (:name (get (:sellers product3) 0)))
 (println (first categories))
 (println wishlist)
 (println (factorial 5))
 (log "Message"))