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bat/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/Literate Haskell/Main.lhs

48 lines
6.1 KiB

Text outside code environments should follow TeX/LaTeX highlighting.
The code environment delimiters themselves should be highlighted.
Text inside code environments should follow regular Haskell highlighting.
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import Text.Printf
twoSumN :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
twoSumN _ [] = []
twoSumN n (x : xs) | (n - x) `elem` xs = [x, n - x]
 | otherwise = twoSumN n xs
threeSumN :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
threeSumN _ [] = []
threeSumN n (x : xs) | null partial = threeSumN n xs
 | otherwise = x : partial
 where partial = twoSumN (n - x) xs
Text in-between code environments.
% LaTeX comment.
output :: String -> IO ()
output path = do
 input <- sort . map read . filter (not . null) . lines <$> readFile path
 printf "File: %s\n" path
 printf " Part 1: %d\n" . product . twoSumN 2020 $ input
 printf " Part 2: %d\n" . product . threeSumN 2020 $ input
-- Haskell comment inside code environment.
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= mapM_ output