name: Welcome New Users on: [pull_request, issues] jobs: greeting: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/first-interaction@v1 with: repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} issue-message: | # Welcome ${{}} - **Remember to :star: Star the project on GitHub!.** - **Congrats for your first issue!, please provide a minimal code example that reproduces the :bug: Bug!.** Reports with full repro code and descriptive detailed information will be fixed faster. - [Please, keep in mind there is ZERO FUNDING for the project!, we have no sponsors, no company behind, no dev team, :heart: Send crypto today to speed up development!]( pr-message: | # Welcome ${{}} - **Remember to :star: Star the project on GitHub!.** - **Congrats for your first Pull Request!, we will review your contributions very soon, and likely merge it!.** Pull Requests with detailed description of the changes and documentation on the code will be merged faster. - [Please, keep in mind there is ZERO FUNDING for the project!, we have no sponsors, no company behind, no dev team, :heart: Send crypto today to speed up development!](