# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Cleans up `README.md`. """ import codecs def fix_dashes(lines): """ """ fixed_lines = [] # Distinguish between the prologue and the content. within_content = False # Iterate over the awesome lines. for line in lines: # The current line is within the content. if within_content: # Adjust the dash. fixed_lines.append(line.replace(u' - ', u' — ')) # # The current line is within the prologue. else: # The prologue has ended. if line.startswith(u'## Applications'): within_content = True # Leave the current line unmodified. fixed_lines.append(line) return fixed_lines # end def fix_dashes # Read the awesome file. with codecs.open('README.md', encoding='utf8') as awesome_file: awesome_lines = awesome_file.readlines() # Fix the dashes. awesome_lines = fix_dashes(awesome_lines) # Write the awesome file. with codecs.open('README.md', 'wb', encoding='utf8') as awesome_file: awesome_file.writelines(awesome_lines)