Merge pull request #2 from taesiri/master

Game Development section updated
kud1ing 10 years ago
commit b5ded3ceb8

@ -6,8 +6,44 @@ A list of awesome but unstable/experimental Rust projects which some day hopeful
- [GUI](#gui)
- [Network programming](#network-programming)
## Games
* [jeaye/q3]( — a game with voxelized destructible maps.
### Game development
* OpenGL
* [bjz/gl-rs]( An OpenGL function pointer loader for Rust [<img src="">](
* [servo/rust-opengles]( OpenGL ES 2.0 bindings for Rust
* Windowing
* [bjz/glfw-rs]( GLFW3 bindings and idiomatic wrapper for Rust. [<img src="">](
* [brson/rust-sdl]( SDL bindings for Rust [<img src="">](
* [AngryLawyer/rust-sdl2]( SDL2 bindings for Rust [![Build Status](](
* [jeremyletang/rust-sfml]( SFML bindings for Rust [<img src="">](
* [servo/rust-glut]( GLUT bindings for Rust
* [SiegeLord/RustAllegro]( A Rust wrapper and bindings of Allegro 5 game programming library [![Build Status](](
* Game Engines
* [sebcrozet/kiss3d]( Keep it simple, stupid 3d graphics engine for Rust.
* [PistonDevelopers/piston]( A user friendly game engine written in Rust
* Collision Detection, Physics
* [bjz/bullet-rs]( Bindings and wrapper for the Bullet physics C API
* [sebcrozet/ncollide]( n-dimensional collision detection library in Rust.
* [sebcrozet/nphysics]( 2 and 3-dimensional rigid body physics engine for Rust. [![Build Status](](
* Audio
* [bjz/openal-rs]( OpenAL 1.1 bindings for Rust.
* [jeremyletang/rust-portaudio]( PortAudio bindings and wrappers for Rust
* [musitdev/rust-portmidi]( PortMidi bindings and wrappers for Rust
* [jeremyletang/ears]( (simple audio API on top of OpenAL) Easy Api in Rust to play Sounds [![Build Status](](
### Games
* [lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust]( Angolmois BMS player, Rust edition
* [rlane/cubeland]( Infinite terrain with Rust and OpenGL
* [lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust]( — a minimalistic music video game which supports the BMS format
* [ozkriff/marauder]( Turn-based strategy game written in Rust using GLFW 3 and OpenGL [<img src="">](
* [zokier/pong-rs]( Classic pong game
* [jeaye/q3]( A Quake 3 like game with voxelized destructible maps [<img src="">](
* [FrozenCow/rust-airhockey]( A simple airhockey game using rust-sdl and OpenGL
* [jeremyletang/rustenstein3D]( Wolfenstein3D engine like in rust
* [dpc/rustyhex]( Simple roguelike written in Rust language
* [mynery/xxo]( Tic Tac Toe in rust with termbox
## GUI
* [kenz-gelsoft/wxRust]( — [wxWidgets]( bindings. [<img src="">](
