Merge branch 'master' into sorted-readme

Tom Parker-Shemilt 3 years ago
commit 8cc705a14e

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ If you want to add an entry to the `` please consider this:
* if you've not published your crate to `` remove the `[[CRATE](...)]` part.
* if you have a CI build, please add the build badge. Put the image after the description, separated by a space. Please make sure to add the branch information to the image:
* example for Travis: ` [<img src="">](`
* for Github actions please see
* for Github actions please see
- please pay attention to the alphabetical ordering.

@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ See also [Rust — Production]( organizatio
* [intecture/api]( — an API-driven server management and configuration tool [![build badge](](
* [ivanceras/diwata]( — A database administration tool for postgresql [![build badge](](
* [jedisct1/flowgger]( — A fast, simple and lightweight data collector
* [kalker]( - A scientific calculator that supports math-like syntax with user-defined variables, functions, derivation, integration, and complex numbers. Cross platform + WASM support [![Build Status](](
* [kbknapp/docli]( — A command line utility for managing DigitalOcean infrastructure [![build badge](](
* [kytan]( — High Performance Peer-to-Peer VPN
* [limonite]( — static blog/website generator [![build badge](](
@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ See also [Rust — Production]( organizatio
* [enginesound]( — A GUI and command line application used to procedurally generate semi-realistic engine sounds. Featuring in-depth configuration, variable sample rate and a frequency analysis window.
* [indiscipline/zrtstr]( — A command line utility for checking if stereo wav files are faux-stereo (i.e. have identical channels) and converting such files to mono. [![build badge](](
* [Lyriek]( — A multi-threaded GTK 3 application for fetching the lyrics of the current playing song. [![build badge](](
* [ncspot]( - Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client, inspired by ncmpc and the likes. [![build badge](](
* [Phate6660/musinfo]( — A program to query music info from mpd and display it in a notification.
* [Phate6660/rsmpc]( — An implementation of mpc, but not directly as there will be a few differences.
* [Phate6660/rsmpc-gui]( — A gtk frontend for mpd.
@ -188,6 +190,7 @@ See also [Rust — Production]( organizatio
### Database
* [Datafuse]( - A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture [![Build](](
* [indradb]( — Rust based graph database [![build badge](](
* [Lucid]( — High performance and distributed KV store accessible through a HTTP API. [![Build Status](](
* [Materialize]( - Streaming SQL database powered by Timely Dataflow :heavy_dollar_sign: [![Build status](](
@ -201,6 +204,7 @@ led/actions?workflow=Rust)
* [TerminusDB]( - open source graph database and document store [![Build Status](](
* [tikv]( — A distributed KV database in Rust [![Build Status](](
### Emulators
See also [crates matching keyword 'emulator'](
@ -239,6 +243,7 @@ See also [crates matching keyword 'emulator'](
See also [Games Made With Piston](
* [aleshaleksey/TGWM]( — An RPG with turned-based mechanics (work in progress) [![build badge](](
* [amethyst/theta-wave]( - A space shooter game that strives to be an entry point for new game developers to make their first contributions. ![build badge](
* [citybound]( — The city sim you deserve
* [cristicbz/rust-doom]( — A renderer for Doom, may progress to being a playable game [![build badge](](
* [doukutsu-rs]( — A Rust reimplementation of Cave Story engine with some enhancements.
@ -389,6 +394,11 @@ See also [A comparison of operating systems written in Rust](
* [whitfin/runiq]( — an efficient way to filter duplicate lines from unsorted input.
* [xsv]( — A fast CSV command line tool (slicing, indexing, selecting, searching, sampling, etc.) [![build badge](](
### Image processing
* [Imager]( — Automated image optimization.
* [shssoichiro/oxipng]( [[oxipng](] — Multithreaded PNG optimizer written in Rust. [![Build Status](]( [![Version](](
### Utilities
* [aleshaleksey/AZDice]( — A dice roll success distribution generator for tabletop homebrewers. [![build badge](](
@ -440,6 +450,7 @@ raftario/licensor/actions?workflowID=Build)
### Web Servers
* [joseluisq/static-web-server]( — A blazing fast and asynchronous web server for static files-serving. ⚡ [![CI](](
* [mufeedvh/binserve]( — A blazingly fast static web server with routing, templating, and security in a single binary you can set up with zero code [![build badge](](
* [ronanyeah/rust-hasura]( — A demonstration of how a Rust GraphQL server can be used as a remote schema with [Hasura]( ![Rust](
* [svenstaro/miniserve]( — A small, self-contained cross-platform CLI tool that allows you to just grab the binary and serve some file(s) via HTTP [![build badge](](
@ -474,6 +485,7 @@ raftario/licensor/actions?workflowID=Build)
* [Rustup]( — the Rust toolchain installer [![build badge](](
* [scriptisto]( A language-agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write one file scripts in compiled languages. [![Build Status](](
* [semantic-rs]( — automatic crate publishing [![build badge](](
* [synth]( — A declarative data generation engine.
* [tinyrick]( a basic task dependency tool emphasizing Rust functions over raw shell commands.
### Build system
@ -691,6 +703,7 @@ See also [Are we (I)DE yet?]( and [Rust Tools](https://
* [mockiato]( — A strict, yet friendly mocking library for Rust 2018 [![build badge](](
* [mockito]( — HTTP mocking [![build badge](](
* [mutagen]( — A source-level mutation testing framework (nightly only) [![build badge](](
* [nrxus/faux]( [![Latest Version](]( — A library to create mocks out of structs. ![build](
* [proptest]( — property testing framework inspired by the [Hypothesis]( framework for Python [![build badge](](
* [quickcheck]( — A Rust implementation of [QuickCheck]( [![build badge](](
* [rstest]( — Fixture-based test framework for Rust [![Build Status](](
@ -702,10 +715,10 @@ See also [Are we (I)DE yet?]( and [Rust Tools](https://
### Transpiling
* [BayesWitnesses/m2cgen]( — A CLI tool to transpile trained classic machine learning models into a native Rust code with zero dependencies. [![GitHub Actions Status](](
* [immunant/c2rust]( — C to Rust translator and cross checker built atop Clang/LLVM. [![Build Status](](
* [jameysharp/corrode]( — A C to Rust translator written in Haskell.
## Libraries
* [perf-monitor-rs]( — A toolkit designed to be a foundation for applications to monitor their performance. [![](](
@ -835,6 +848,7 @@ rust-sun)
* [reugn/rspark]( [[rspark](] — ▁▂▆▇▁▄█▁ Sparklines for Rust apps [![build badge](](
* [TeXitoi/structopt]( [[structopt](] — parse command line argument by defining a struct [![build badge](](
* [z5labs/pflag]( [[pflag](] — A port of @spf13's amazing POSIX compliant arg parsing library in Go. [![Build Status](](
* [zhiburt/tabled]( [[tabled](] — An easy to use library for pretty print tables of Rust structs and enums. [![Build Status](](
* Human-centered design
* [rust-cli/human-panic]( [[human-panic](] — panic messages for humans [![build badge](](
* Line editor
@ -965,6 +979,7 @@ rust-sun)
* [sfackler/rust-openssl]( — [OpenSSL]( bindings [![build badge](](
* [sodiumoxide/sodiumoxide]( — [libsodium]( bindings [![build badge](](
* [steffengy/schannel-rs]( — Bindings for Schannel (Windows native TLS)
* [w3f/schnorrkel]( - Schnorr VRFs and signatures on the Ristretto group
* [zebradil/rustotpony]( — CLI manager of one-time password generators aka Google Authenticator (TOTP)
### Database
@ -1073,6 +1088,7 @@ rust-sun)
* [chronotope/chrono]( — [![build badge](](
* [Mnwa/ms]( [[ms-converter](] — it's a library for converting human-like times to milliseconds [![build badge](](
* [time-rs/time]( — [![build badge](](
* [yaa110/rust-persian-calendar]( — [![build badge](](
### Distributed systems
@ -1220,6 +1236,7 @@ See also [Are we game yet?](
* [Kiss3d]( — A Keep It Simple, Stupid 3d graphics engine written with Rust [![](](
* [oxidator]( — A real time strategy game/engine written with Rust and WebGPU
* [Piston]( — [![](]( [![](]( [![](](
* [RG3D]( — Rust Game engine 3D [![](]( [![license](]( [![](](
* [Unrust]( — unrust — A pure rust based (webgl 2.0 / native) game engine
* [Godot](
* [godot-rust/godot-rust]( [[gdnative](] - Rust bindings to the Godot game engine [![build badge](](
@ -1333,6 +1350,7 @@ See also [Are we game yet?](
* [estk/log4rs]( — highly configurable logging framework modeled after Java's Logback and log4j libraries [![CircleCI](](
* [jesusprubio/leg]( — Elegant print for lazy devs. Make your CLIs nicer with minimal effort. [![Build Status](](
* [rust-lang/log]( — Logging implementation for Rust [![Build Status](](
* [seanmonstar/pretty-env-logger]( — A pretty, easy-to-use logger for Rust. [![Build Status](](
* [slog-rs/slog]( — Structured, composable logging for Rust [![Build Status](](
@ -1390,6 +1408,8 @@ See also [Are we game yet?](
* [libpnet/libpnet]( — A cross-platform, low level networking [![build badge](](
* [smoltcp-rs/smoltcp]( — A standalone, event-driven TCP/IP stack that is designed for bare-metal, real-time systems [![build badge](](
* [tokio-rs/tokio]( — A network application framework for rapid development and highly scalable production deployments of clients and servers.
* message-io
* [lemunozm/message-io]( — Event-driven message library to build network applications easy and fast. Supports TCP, UDP and WebSockets. [![build badge](](
* NanoMsg
* [thehydroimpulse/]( — [nanomsg]( bindings [![build badge](](
@ -1414,6 +1434,8 @@ See also [Are we game yet?](
* Stomp
* [adwhit/tokio-stomp]( — An async [STOMP v1.1]( client for Rust, using the Tokio stack.
* [zslayton/stomp-rs]( — A [STOMP 1.2]( client implementation in Rust [![build badge](](
* Tor
* [Arti]( - Official implementation of the Tor anonymity protocols.
* uTP
* [meqif/rust-utp]( — A [uTP]( (Micro Transport Protocol) library for Rust. [![build badge](](
* ZeroMQ
@ -1471,13 +1493,15 @@ See also [Are we game yet?](
* [duckscript]( — [Simple, extendable and embeddable scripting language.]( [![build badge](](
* [fleabitdev/gamelisp]( — A LISP-lisk scripting language for Rust game development
* [gluon-lang/gluon]( — A small, statically-typed, functional programming language
* [ippan/clover]( [[clover](] - A scripting language created in Rust [![CI](](
* [moss]( — A dynamically typed scripting language
* [mun]( — A compiled, statically-typed scripting language with first class hot reloading support [![build badge](](
* [murarth/ketos]( — A Lisp dialect functional programming language serving as a scripting and extension language for rust
* [PistonDevelopers/dyon]( — A rusty dynamically typed scripting language
* [rhaiscript/rhai]( — A tiny and fast embedded scripting language resembling a combination of JS and Rust
* [rhaiscript/rhai]( — A tiny and fast embedded scripting language resembling a combination of JavaScript and Rust [![build badge](](
* [rune-rs/rune]( — An embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust
### Simulation
@ -1513,6 +1537,7 @@
* [BurntSushi/suffix]( — Linear time suffix array construction (with Unicode support) [![build badge](](
* [BurntSushi/tabwriter]( — Elastic tab stops (i.e., text column alignment) [![build badge](](
* [Daniel-Liu-c0deb0t/triple_accel]( [[triple_accel](] - Rust edit distance routines accelerated using SIMD; supports fast Hamming, Levenshtein, restricted Damerau-Levenshtein, etc. distance calculations and string search [![build badge](](
* [fancy-regex/fancy-regex]( [[fancy-regex](] - Regular expressions implementation designed to support a relatively rich set of features such as look-around and backtracking. [![crates](]( [![build badge](](
* [greyblake/whatlang-rs]( — Natural language detection library based on trigrams [![build badge](](
* [Lucretiel/joinery]( [[joinery](] Generic string + iterable joining [![build badge](](
* [mgeisler/textwrap]( [[textwrap](] — Word wrap text (with support for hyphenation) [![build badge](](

@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ enum CheckerError {
#[fail(display = "travis build image with no branch")]
#[fail(display = "github actions image with no branch")]
fn formatter(err: &CheckerError, url: &String) -> String {
@ -63,9 +60,6 @@ fn formatter(err: &CheckerError, url: &String) -> String {
CheckerError::TravisBuildNoBranch => {
format!("[Travis build image with no branch specified] {}", url)
CheckerError::GithubActionNoBranch => {
format!("[Github action image with no branch specified] {}", url)
_ => {
format!("{:?}", err)
@ -228,14 +222,6 @@ fn get_url_core(url: String) -> BoxFuture<'static, (String, Result<(), CheckerEr
if let Some(matches) = GITHUB_ACTIONS_REGEX.captures(&url) {
debug!("Github actions match {:?}", matches);
let query = matches.get(1).map(|x| x.as_str()).unwrap_or("");
if !query.starts_with("?") || query.find("branch=").is_none() {
res = Err(CheckerError::GithubActionNoBranch);
debug!("Finished {}", url);
res = Ok(());
