name: 'Identify and close stale issues and PRs' on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: '15 1 * * *' permissions: issues: write pull-requests: write jobs: stale: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/stale@v3 with: stale-issue-message: This issue has been identified as stale because it has gone 14 days with no activity. The issue will be closed in 5 days. If this is incorrect, simply comment on the issue, or remove the stale label. stale-pr-message: This pull request has been identified as stale because it has gone 14 days with no activity. The pull request will be closed in 5 days. If this is incorrect, simply comment on the PR, remove the label, or merge the PR. Reminder, once a PR is approved, and checks have passed, you **can merge it yourself.** days-before-stale: 14 days-before-close: 5 exempt-issue-labels: "keep-me" exempt-pr-labels: "keep-me"