from yaml import load summary = """ # Summary To date, **{}** apps/tools covered, divided in **{}** categories; **8** related sites reviewed and listed. # Index {} Some links to [related resources](#resources). I'm always interested to new tools, so if you have any suggestion please drop me an email at ``. """ resources = """ # Related resources A list of some online resoures that contribute interesting links to apps and info. {} """ def fmt_app(app): descr = ''.join(c if c != '\n' else ' ' for c in app["description"]) st = "#### [{}]({})\n\n{}\n".format(app["name"], app["url"], descr) if 'articles' in app: st += '\nReferences\n' for art in app['articles']: st += "* [{}]({}) (rev. {})".format(art['title'], art['url'], art['date']) if 'description' in art: st += ' - ' + art['description'] st += '\n' return(st) def print_apps(cats, apps): for cat_item in cats: category = cat_item["label"] print('## {}\n'.format(category, cat_item["name"])) for app in apps[category]: print(fmt_app(app)) def fmt_cats(cats, apps): newlist = sorted(cats, key=lambda k: k['name']) st = [] for cat_item in newlist: category = cat_item["label"] st.append("[{}](#{}) ({})".format(cat_item["name"], cat_item["label"], len(apps[cat_item["label"]]))) return ' | '.join(st) def count_apps(apps): tot = 0 for cat in apps: tot += len(apps[cat]) return tot with open('cli-apps.yaml', 'r') as yf: data = load(yf) # print(data) apps = data["apps"] cats = data["categories"] with open('resources.yaml', 'r') as yf: res = load(yf) md_res = '' for r in res['resources']: md_res += '[{}]({}) - {}\n\n'.format(r['title'], r['url'], r['description']) print(summary.format(count_apps(apps), len(cats), fmt_cats(cats, apps))) print_apps(cats, apps) print(resources.format(md_res))