Add some apps

Add following apps:
- vim_current_word
- vim-airline
- markdown-preview.nvim
- tmux-pomodoro-plus
- nerdtree
- ale
matteodiga 1 year ago
parent 2bf7662b9c
commit c4aa9ca946

@ -923,3 +923,9 @@ games,cli-chess,,,A highly customizabl
viewers,baca,,,Lets you indulge in your favorite e-books in the comfort of your terminal.,,,,
productivity,Productivity Timer,,,A CLI/TUI Pomodoro timer and todo (coming soon) application for keyboard addicts and terminal fans that makes you more productive.,,,,
science,ptable,,,A beautiful TUI periodic table for GNU/linux terminals.,,,,
utility,vim_current_word,,,Vim plugin highlighting word under cursor and all of its occurences,,,,
utility,vim-airline,,,Vim lean & mean status/tabline that's light as air,,,,
viewers,markdown-preview.nvim,,,Markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim,,,,
productivity,tmux-pomodoro-plus,,,Pomodoro technique into your tmux workflow,,,,
file-manager,nerdtree,,,A tree explorer plugin for vim,,,,
programming,ale,,,Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support,,,,

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