Added 2 new categories, several apps, and fixed a YAML to CSV conversion error.

Tullio Facchinetti 4 years ago
parent d5959754f1
commit 9ddeb5c171

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ terminal,screen,,"Terminal multiplexer that
terminal,Tmate,,"A fork of tmux that allows to share the terminal with other users. AFAIK, it connects to a centralized server to establish the connection. Someone may see this inconvenient for privacy issues."
terminal,tmux,,"Terminal multiplexer; born to improve `screen`; client-server architecture, `vi` and `emacs` key-bindings, search in window feature and many more."
terminal,warp,,Secure and simple terminal sharing.
monitor,bpytop,,Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor with a nice interface.
monitor,cv,,"(Coreutils Progress Viewer) ""looks for coreutils basic commands (`cp`, `mv`, `dd`, `tar`, `gzip/gunzip`, `cat`, etc.) currently running on your system and displays the percentage of copied data. It can also show estimated time and throughput""."
monitor,glances,,"A comprehensive and detailed system monitoring tool; monitored parameters include: CPU, memory, load, process list, network interfaces, disk I/O, sensors, filesystems, docker, system info, uptime."
monitor,GoTTY,,"A program to turn CLI tools into web applications; basically, it runs a command and starts a server so that the output can be displayed in a web page."
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ monitor,sysdig,,"Sysdig captures system calls and events
monitor,smem,,"Python program that reports memory usage; it can report the ""proportional set size"" (PSS), a meaningful representation of the amount of memory used by libraries and applications in a virtual memory system; it has built-in chart generation."
monitor,top,,The classical Unix utility that provides a rolling display of top cpu using processes.
monitor,watch,,"Periodically runs a command in the console while temporarily clearing the screen content; it makes it easy to check differences between the output of two subsequent commands; it provides ""diff"" functionality to highlight the changing characters between outputs."
monitor,wtf,,The personal information dashboard for your terminal.
shells,Bash,,(Bourne Again SHell) The most widespread system shell to date.
shells,Fish,,"""A command line shell for the 90s""; focused on user-friendliness, with powerful autosuggestions, colors, ""sane scripting"" (w.r.t. to Bash)."
shells,Zsh,,Alternative shell designed for interactive use.
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ office,sc-im,,"Spreadsheet Calculator Impro
organizers,gcalcli,,"CLI to access Google Calendars; allows to do the main tasks: create, delete, and list events."
organizers,khal,,"CLI and terminal calendar program, able to synchronize with CalDAV servers through [vdirsyncer]("
organizers,ppl addressbook,,"""``ppl`` is free software made out of other free software. It's built on top of Ruby and Git, and the completely free vcard address book format."" "
organizers,kb,,A minimalist knowledge base manager.
organizers,khard,,Console carddav client written in Pyhton.
organizers,iKog,,"A fully-featured task manager incapsulated within a Python script (just carry around the script to retain all the TODOs). When the script is run, a Python shell is opened, where task-related commands can be entered (ADD, LIST, etc.); a pity that commands are uppercase, which requires the annoying use of the Shift key."
organizers,Yokadi,,Project-based todo manager: every task must be specified with a mandatory project indication. Tasks are stored within a SQLlite DB. Written in Python.
@ -85,7 +88,9 @@ productivity,ledger,,"A powerful, double-entry accounting
productivity,Qalculate,,"Multi-purpose calculator with customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting (it includes a GUI)."
productivity,Translate Shell,,"Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc."
viewers,cacaview,,"A library and a program to display JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP images in the terminal using ASCII characters."
viewers,glow,,"Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!"
viewers,feh,,"""X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users"" (cit.); with no fancy GUI, it is controlled via commandline arguments and configurable key/mouse actions."
viewers,Terminal Markdown Viewer,,Python based Markdown viewer for the terminal.
viewers,mupdf,,Lightweight graphical PDF visualizer; strong key-based control; fast and accurate rendering.
viewers,mplayer,,One of the most popular video/audio players around; plays most audio and video formats (using ASCII characters) in the shell; provides a GUI for graphical visualization.
viewers,mpv,,"A cross-platform media player with many features such as frame timing, MKV chapters and subtitles. It is a responsive video player with minimal layout customizable with themes. A good alternative media player to VLC since it can handle almost all the media formats as VLC, but using much less resources."
@ -118,6 +123,11 @@ conversion,xls2csv,,Command line
backup,borg,,Encrypted backups with a clean and simple interface; easy to use and set up; possibility to mount the backup archive with FUSE and inspect it as a regular file system.
backup,duplicity,,"Creates GPG encrypted, compressed backups; client-side encryption allows to upload the backup onto untrusted servers."
backup,Duply,,Simplifies the use of [duplicity]( by keeping clean configuration files to automate the backup.
backup,paperbackup,,Create a pdf with barcodes to backup text files on paper
backup,rclone,,Rclone manages file synchronization on cloud storage.
backup,rsync,,Popular file synchornization tool.
backup,Unison,,File synchronizer.
backup,,,Shellscript for synchronization of files and directories
file-handling,ncdu,,"""A disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. It is designed to find space hogs on a remote server where you don't have an entire graphical setup available."""
file-handling,classifier,,"Organize files in your current directory, by classifying them into folders of music, pdfs, images, etc."
file-handling,detox,,A utility designed to easily clean up filenames; it replaces characters like spaces with standard equivalents; it also replace UTF-8 or Latin-1 (or CP 1252) characters with more handy ones.
@ -133,20 +143,23 @@ file-handling,nnn,,"""The missing terminal file brow
file-handling,PathPicker,,A tool from Facebook that parses the output from a command and presents a UI to select files and directories; can be used to apply a command of a interactively selected files or to move across directories.
file-handling,alder,,"""A minimal implementation of the UNIX tree command with colors!"" "
file-handling,tree,,"""Recursive directory listing command that produces a depth indented listing of files""."
funny,asciiacquarium,,"Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal! ""
funny,cmatrix,,""ncurses program that display the scrolling lines found in the movie `The matrix`."
funny,asciiacquarium,,Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!
funny,cmatrix,,ncurses program that display the scrolling lines found in the movie `The matrix`.
funny,cowsay,,A program that generates a ASCII art of a cow with a bubble containing the specified message (I provide the Wikipedia link since at the moment the link to the author's homepage results to be unreachable).
funny,cowthink,,"Same as `cowsay`, but uses a ""think"" bubble instead of a speech bubble."
funny,fortune,,Generates random messages feched from a quotation database.
funny,Steam Locomotive,,A steam locomotive traverses the screen from right to left if `sl` is typed instead of `ls`.
funny,ternimal,,Simulate a lifeform in the terminal.
games,StarWars vision,,See Star Wars in ASCII with ``telnet``.
games,bastet,,(Bastard Tetris) implements the classical Tetris but with a logic to generate the next block which maximizes the difficulty for the player.
games,Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead,,Open source turn-based survival RPG development project.
games,Dwarf fortress,,A fantasy game using ASCII art graphical representation of the game environment; it features a rich environment with many options and possibilities.
games,freesweep,,"A Minesweeper clone for the terminal which allows you to configure settings such as table rows and columns up to 1024x1024!), percentage of bombs, colors and also has a highscores table."
games,Nethack,,"Single player rogue-like dungeon exploration game; I'm currently addicted to [Pixel Dungeon]( and its derivatives (Android apps), thus I find nethack a little bit too graphically poor."
games,Oldrunner,,Character-based remake of Lode Runner; includes all the original 150 levels.
games,Slash'EM,,"Rogue-like game derived from `nethack` offering extra features, monsters, and items; includes a GUI version."
games,Typespeed,,"Type words that are flying by from left to right as fast as you can; features different word sets, e.g., UNIX commands, English words, Non-English words."
webdev,Hugo,,The worlds fastest framework for building websites.
webdev,Metalsmith,,An extremely simple static site generator; all functionalities are provided by plugins that can be combined and chained; written and extendable in Javascript.
webdev,nanoc,,Static site generator written in Ruby; extremely powerful and customizable; support many formats to generate HTML content.
webdev,siege,,An http load testing and benchmarking utility designed to let web developers stress their code.
@ -162,11 +175,13 @@ email,mbsync,,Mailboxes synchronization
email,Mutt,,"Mail client with tons of features, customization chances, support for IMAP, POP3, multiple storage formats."
email,sup,,"MUA written in Ruby; specifically developed for accounts with ""a lot of emails""; nice thread-based presentation."
transfer,aria2,,"Lightweight and easy-to-use download utility; it supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, Metalink and multiple sources; cross-platform."
transfer,croc,,Easily and securely send things from one computer to another.
transfer,curl,,A tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax; supports a lot of protocols.
transfer,Deluge,,"A lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client; a terminal curses interface, web interface and command line client can connect to a running daemon to manage torrent downloads."
transfer,lftp,,"""Sophisticated ftp/http client, and a file transfer program supporting a number of network protocols""; support for bookmarks and mirroring features."
transfer,Magic Wormhole,,The program allows transfer arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another The two endpoints are identified by using identical human-readable codes.
transfer,OnionShare,,"""An open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size."" "
transfer,qrcp,,Transfer Files Between Desktop And Mobile Devices Over Wi-Fi By Scanning A QR Code.
transfer,rsync,,Mirror directories across networked machines; handles diffs/changed files; works across SSH; plenty of parameters.
transfer,sitecopy,,Synchronizes a local copy of a website with a remote copy on a server; does not use SSH/`scp` but FTP for file copy; useful when the remote server does not support secure copy.
transfer,stftp,,"(simple terminal FTP) aims to be a ""easy-to-use and unbloated client for the UNIX (and UNIX-like) console""."
@ -188,3 +203,6 @@ utility,powerline,,"Powerline is a statusl
utility,socli,,Stack overflow command line client written in Python. Search and browse stack overflow without leaving the terminal
utility,termsaver,,"termsaver to enjoy fancy ASCII screensavers like matrix, clock, starwars, and a couple of not-safe-for-work screens."
utility,dateutils,,Dateutils are a bunch of tools that revolve around fiddling with dates and times in the command line with a strong focus on use cases that arise when dealing with large amounts of financial data.
data-management,VisiData,,"Interactive multitool for tabular data. It combines the clarity of a spreadsheet, the efficiency of the terminal, and the power of Python, into a lightweight utility which can handle millions of rows with ease."
data-management,csvkit,,"A suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats."
programming,gdb-dashboard,,Modular visual interface for GDB in Python.

1 category name url description
33 terminal Tmate A fork of tmux that allows to share the terminal with other users. AFAIK, it connects to a centralized server to establish the connection. Someone may see this inconvenient for privacy issues.
34 terminal tmux Terminal multiplexer; born to improve `screen`; client-server architecture, `vi` and `emacs` key-bindings, search in window feature and many more.
35 terminal warp Secure and simple terminal sharing.
36 monitor bpytop Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor with a nice interface.
37 monitor cv (Coreutils Progress Viewer) "looks for coreutils basic commands (`cp`, `mv`, `dd`, `tar`, `gzip/gunzip`, `cat`, etc.) currently running on your system and displays the percentage of copied data. It can also show estimated time and throughput".
38 monitor glances A comprehensive and detailed system monitoring tool; monitored parameters include: CPU, memory, load, process list, network interfaces, disk I/O, sensors, filesystems, docker, system info, uptime.
39 monitor GoTTY A program to turn CLI tools into web applications; basically, it runs a command and starts a server so that the output can be displayed in a web page.
48 monitor smem Python program that reports memory usage; it can report the "proportional set size" (PSS), a meaningful representation of the amount of memory used by libraries and applications in a virtual memory system; it has built-in chart generation.
49 monitor top The classical Unix utility that provides a rolling display of top cpu using processes.
50 monitor watch Periodically runs a command in the console while temporarily clearing the screen content; it makes it easy to check differences between the output of two subsequent commands; it provides "diff" functionality to highlight the changing characters between outputs.
51 monitor wtf The personal information dashboard for your terminal.
52 shells Bash (Bourne Again SHell) The most widespread system shell to date.
53 shells Fish "A command line shell for the 90s"; focused on user-friendliness, with powerful autosuggestions, colors, "sane scripting" (w.r.t. to Bash).
54 shells Zsh Alternative shell designed for interactive use.
71 organizers gcalcli CLI to access Google Calendars; allows to do the main tasks: create, delete, and list events.
72 organizers khal CLI and terminal calendar program, able to synchronize with CalDAV servers through [vdirsyncer](
73 organizers ppl addressbook "``ppl`` is free software made out of other free software. It's built on top of Ruby and Git, and the completely free vcard address book format."
74 organizers kb A minimalist knowledge base manager.
75 organizers khard Console carddav client written in Pyhton.
76 organizers iKog A fully-featured task manager incapsulated within a Python script (just carry around the script to retain all the TODOs). When the script is run, a Python shell is opened, where task-related commands can be entered (ADD, LIST, etc.); a pity that commands are uppercase, which requires the annoying use of the Shift key.
77 organizers Yokadi Project-based todo manager: every task must be specified with a mandatory project indication. Tasks are stored within a SQLlite DB. Written in Python.
88 productivity Qalculate Multi-purpose calculator with customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting (it includes a GUI).
89 productivity Translate Shell Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc.
90 viewers cacaview A library and a program to display JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP images in the terminal using ASCII characters.
91 viewers glow Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!
92 viewers feh "X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users" (cit.); with no fancy GUI, it is controlled via commandline arguments and configurable key/mouse actions.
93 viewers Terminal Markdown Viewer Python based Markdown viewer for the terminal.
94 viewers mupdf Lightweight graphical PDF visualizer; strong key-based control; fast and accurate rendering.
95 viewers mplayer One of the most popular video/audio players around; plays most audio and video formats (using ASCII characters) in the shell; provides a GUI for graphical visualization.
96 viewers mpv A cross-platform media player with many features such as frame timing, MKV chapters and subtitles. It is a responsive video player with minimal layout customizable with themes. A good alternative media player to VLC since it can handle almost all the media formats as VLC, but using much less resources.
123 backup borg Encrypted backups with a clean and simple interface; easy to use and set up; possibility to mount the backup archive with FUSE and inspect it as a regular file system.
124 backup duplicity Creates GPG encrypted, compressed backups; client-side encryption allows to upload the backup onto untrusted servers.
125 backup Duply Simplifies the use of [duplicity]( by keeping clean configuration files to automate the backup.
126 backup paperbackup Create a pdf with barcodes to backup text files on paper
127 backup rclone Rclone manages file synchronization on cloud storage.
128 backup rsync Popular file synchornization tool.
129 backup Unison File synchronizer.
130 backup Shellscript for synchronization of files and directories
131 file-handling ncdu "A disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. It is designed to find space hogs on a remote server where you don't have an entire graphical setup available."
132 file-handling classifier Organize files in your current directory, by classifying them into folders of music, pdfs, images, etc.
133 file-handling detox A utility designed to easily clean up filenames; it replaces characters like spaces with standard equivalents; it also replace UTF-8 or Latin-1 (or CP 1252) characters with more handy ones.
143 file-handling PathPicker A tool from Facebook that parses the output from a command and presents a UI to select files and directories; can be used to apply a command of a interactively selected files or to move across directories.
144 file-handling alder "A minimal implementation of the UNIX tree command with colors!"
145 file-handling tree "Recursive directory listing command that produces a depth indented listing of files".
146 funny asciiacquarium Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal! " funny,cmatrix,,"ncurses program that display the scrolling lines found in the movie `The matrix`. Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!
147 funny cowsay cmatrix A program that generates a ASCII art of a cow with a bubble containing the specified message (I provide the Wikipedia link since at the moment the link to the author's homepage results to be unreachable). ncurses program that display the scrolling lines found in the movie `The matrix`.
148 funny cowthink cowsay Same as `cowsay`, but uses a "think" bubble instead of a speech bubble. A program that generates a ASCII art of a cow with a bubble containing the specified message (I provide the Wikipedia link since at the moment the link to the author's homepage results to be unreachable).
149 funny fortune cowthink Generates random messages feched from a quotation database. Same as `cowsay`, but uses a "think" bubble instead of a speech bubble.
150 funny Steam Locomotive fortune A steam locomotive traverses the screen from right to left if `sl` is typed instead of `ls`. Generates random messages feched from a quotation database.
151 games funny StarWars vision Steam Locomotive See Star Wars in ASCII with ``telnet``. A steam locomotive traverses the screen from right to left if `sl` is typed instead of `ls`.
152 funny ternimal Simulate a lifeform in the terminal.
153 games bastet StarWars vision (Bastard Tetris) implements the classical Tetris but with a logic to generate the next block which maximizes the difficulty for the player. See Star Wars in ASCII with ``telnet``.
154 games Dwarf fortress bastet A fantasy game using ASCII art graphical representation of the game environment; it features a rich environment with many options and possibilities. (Bastard Tetris) implements the classical Tetris but with a logic to generate the next block which maximizes the difficulty for the player.
155 games Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead Open source turn-based survival RPG development project.
156 games freesweep Dwarf fortress A Minesweeper clone for the terminal which allows you to configure settings such as table rows and columns up to 1024x1024!), percentage of bombs, colors and also has a highscores table. A fantasy game using ASCII art graphical representation of the game environment; it features a rich environment with many options and possibilities.
157 games Nethack freesweep Single player rogue-like dungeon exploration game; I'm currently addicted to [Pixel Dungeon]( and its derivatives (Android apps), thus I find nethack a little bit too graphically poor. A Minesweeper clone for the terminal which allows you to configure settings such as table rows and columns up to 1024x1024!), percentage of bombs, colors and also has a highscores table.
158 games Oldrunner Nethack Character-based remake of Lode Runner; includes all the original 150 levels. Single player rogue-like dungeon exploration game; I'm currently addicted to [Pixel Dungeon]( and its derivatives (Android apps), thus I find nethack a little bit too graphically poor.
159 games Slash'EM Oldrunner Rogue-like game derived from `nethack` offering extra features, monsters, and items; includes a GUI version. Character-based remake of Lode Runner; includes all the original 150 levels.
160 games Typespeed Slash'EM Type words that are flying by from left to right as fast as you can; features different word sets, e.g., UNIX commands, English words, Non-English words. Rogue-like game derived from `nethack` offering extra features, monsters, and items; includes a GUI version.
161 webdev games Metalsmith Typespeed An extremely simple static site generator; all functionalities are provided by plugins that can be combined and chained; written and extendable in Javascript. Type words that are flying by from left to right as fast as you can; features different word sets, e.g., UNIX commands, English words, Non-English words.
162 webdev Hugo The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
163 webdev nanoc Metalsmith Static site generator written in Ruby; extremely powerful and customizable; support many formats to generate HTML content. An extremely simple static site generator; all functionalities are provided by plugins that can be combined and chained; written and extendable in Javascript.
164 webdev siege nanoc An http load testing and benchmarking utility designed to let web developers stress their code. Static site generator written in Ruby; extremely powerful and customizable; support many formats to generate HTML content.
165 webdev Tsung siege A multi-protocol distributed load testing tool that can be used to stress HTTP, WebDAV, SOAP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, LDAP and Jabber/XMPP servers. An http load testing and benchmarking utility designed to let web developers stress their code.
175 email sup Mutt MUA written in Ruby; specifically developed for accounts with "a lot of emails"; nice thread-based presentation. Mail client with tons of features, customization chances, support for IMAP, POP3, multiple storage formats.
176 transfer email aria2 sup Lightweight and easy-to-use download utility; it supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, Metalink and multiple sources; cross-platform. MUA written in Ruby; specifically developed for accounts with "a lot of emails"; nice thread-based presentation.
177 transfer curl aria2 A tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax; supports a lot of protocols. Lightweight and easy-to-use download utility; it supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, Metalink and multiple sources; cross-platform.
178 transfer croc Easily and securely send things from one computer to another.
179 transfer Deluge curl A lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client; a terminal curses interface, web interface and command line client can connect to a running daemon to manage torrent downloads. A tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax; supports a lot of protocols.
180 transfer lftp Deluge "Sophisticated ftp/http client, and a file transfer program supporting a number of network protocols"; support for bookmarks and mirroring features. A lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client; a terminal curses interface, web interface and command line client can connect to a running daemon to manage torrent downloads.
181 transfer Magic Wormhole lftp The program allows transfer arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another The two endpoints are identified by using identical human-readable codes. "Sophisticated ftp/http client, and a file transfer program supporting a number of network protocols"; support for bookmarks and mirroring features.
182 transfer OnionShare Magic Wormhole "An open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size." The program allows transfer arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another The two endpoints are identified by using identical human-readable codes.
183 transfer rsync OnionShare Mirror directories across networked machines; handles diffs/changed files; works across SSH; plenty of parameters. "An open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size."
184 transfer qrcp Transfer Files Between Desktop And Mobile Devices Over Wi-Fi By Scanning A QR Code.
185 transfer sitecopy rsync Synchronizes a local copy of a website with a remote copy on a server; does not use SSH/`scp` but FTP for file copy; useful when the remote server does not support secure copy. Mirror directories across networked machines; handles diffs/changed files; works across SSH; plenty of parameters.
186 transfer stftp sitecopy (simple terminal FTP) aims to be a "easy-to-use and unbloated client for the UNIX (and UNIX-like) console". Synchronizes a local copy of a website with a remote copy on a server; does not use SSH/`scp` but FTP for file copy; useful when the remote server does not support secure copy.
187 transfer Woof stftp (Web Offer One File) sets up an HTTP webserver to serve files from a given local directory; all the users connected to the network can see and download the files. (simple terminal FTP) aims to be a "easy-to-use and unbloated client for the UNIX (and UNIX-like) console".
203 utility termsaver socli termsaver to enjoy fancy ASCII screensavers like matrix, clock, starwars, and a couple of not-safe-for-work screens. Stack overflow command line client written in Python. Search and browse stack overflow without leaving the terminal
204 utility dateutils termsaver Dateutils are a bunch of tools that revolve around fiddling with dates and times in the command line with a strong focus on use cases that arise when dealing with large amounts of financial data. termsaver to enjoy fancy ASCII screensavers like matrix, clock, starwars, and a couple of not-safe-for-work screens.
205 utility dateutils Dateutils are a bunch of tools that revolve around fiddling with dates and times in the command line with a strong focus on use cases that arise when dealing with large amounts of financial data.
206 data-management VisiData Interactive multitool for tabular data. It combines the clarity of a spreadsheet, the efficiency of the terminal, and the power of Python, into a lightweight utility which can handle millions of rows with ease.
207 data-management csvkit A suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.
208 programming gdb-dashboard Modular visual interface for GDB in Python.

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ backup,Backup,
browser,Web browser,
chat,Chat and instant messaging (IM),
data-management,Data management,
email,Email,"Email clients ([Mail User Agents]( - MUA), mail synchronization"
file-handling,File and file system handling,"File managers, tagging, bookmarking, directory traversal"
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ networking,Networking,Programs to deal with networks and communication
office,Office tools,Spreadsheet and presentations
organizers,Organizers and calendars,"Todo managers, calendar managers"
security,Security and encryption,"Cryptography, ciphered archive managers, encrypted file-systems, password managers"
system,System tools,

1 label name description
3 browser Web browser
4 chat Chat and instant messaging (IM)
5 conversion Conversion
6 data-management Data management
7 editors Editors
8 email Email Email clients ([Mail User Agents]( - MUA), mail synchronization
9 file-handling File and file system handling File managers, tagging, bookmarking, directory traversal
19 office Office tools Spreadsheet and presentations
20 organizers Organizers and calendars Todo managers, calendar managers
21 productivity Productivity
22 programming Programming
23 security Security and encryption Cryptography, ciphered archive managers, encrypted file-systems, password managers
24 shells Shells
25 system System tools