Changed the category of minify.js

Tullio Facchinetti 2 months ago
parent 0229e20561
commit 187f3230be

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Some links are available to [related resources](#resources).
* [AI / ChatGPT](#ai) (20), [Anki, decks and flashcards](#flashcard) (7)
* [Backup](#backup) (16)
* [Calculators](#calc) (14), [Chat and instant messaging](#chat) (32), [Clean up of files and directories](#file-dir-cleanup) (12), [Co-pilot](#copilot) (10), [Command launchers](#launcher) (20), [Commands cheatsheet and snippets](#cheatsheet) (18), [Containerization and virtualization](#vm) (20), [Conversion](#conversion) (15)
* [Calculators](#calc) (14), [Chat and instant messaging](#chat) (32), [Clean up of files and directories](#file-dir-cleanup) (12), [Co-pilot](#copilot) (10), [Command launchers](#launcher) (20), [Commands cheatsheet and snippets](#cheatsheet) (18), [Containerization and virtualization](#vm) (20), [Conversion](#conversion) (14)
* [Data management](#data-management) (17), [Data management - JSON/YAML/etc.](#data-management-json) (43), [Data management - Tabular data](#data-management-tabular) (26), [Data transfer](#transfer) (41), [DevOps](#devops) (6), [Diff](#diff) (10), [Directory changers (alternatives to cd)](#cd) (21), [Disk usage analyzers](#disk-analyzer) (12)
* [Editors](#editors) (26), [Email](#email) (14)
* [File and file system handling](#file-handling) (21), [File deletion and trash bin (alternatives to rm)](#rm) (12), [File explorer and tree visualization](#file-explorer) (11), [File finding (alternatives to find)](#find) (8), [File listing (alternatives to ls)](#ls) (9), [File manager](#file-manager) (19), [File renamers](#file-renamer) (14), [File systems](#file-system) (4), [File watching for changes](#file-watch) (7), [Financial tools](#financial) (12), [Font management](#font) (4), [Funny tools](#funny) (32), [Fuzzy finders and option pickers](#option-picker) (14)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Some links are available to [related resources](#resources).
* [Markdown](#markdown) (11)
* [Networking](#networking) (62), [Note taking](#note-taking) (23)
* [Office tools](#office) (15), [Online search and resources](#online) (18), [Organizers and calendars](#organizers) (22)
* [Package managers](#package-manager) (17), [Password managers](#password-manager) (20), [Pastebin](#pastebin) (3), [Process viewers and monitoring (alternatives to top)](#monitor-top) (26), [Productivity](#productivity) (10), [Program templates and boilerplate](#programming-boilerplate) (11), [Programming](#programming) (38), [Prompts](#prompt) (13)
* [Package managers](#package-manager) (17), [Password managers](#password-manager) (20), [Pastebin](#pastebin) (3), [Process viewers and monitoring (alternatives to top)](#monitor-top) (26), [Productivity](#productivity) (10), [Program templates and boilerplate](#programming-boilerplate) (11), [Programming](#programming) (39), [Prompts](#prompt) (13)
* [RSS](#rss) (10), [Religion](#religion) (4)
* [Science](#science) (20), [Screen recorder](#screen-recorder) (10), [Screen savers](#screensaver) (4), [Security and encryption](#security) (31), [Shells](#shells) (25), [Sound and music](#music) (46), [System monitoring](#monitor) (29), [System tools](#system) (24)
* [Terminals](#terminal) (22), [Text processing](#text-processing) (35), [Text search (alternatives to grep)](#text-search) (11), [Text search and replace (alternatives to sed)](#text-search-replace) (6), [Time trackers](#time-tracker) (16), [Todo managers](#todo-manager) (31), [Torrent](#torrent) (8), [Typing test and practice](#typing) (10)
@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ File format converters.
* [hecat]( - A generic automation tool around data stored as plaintext YAML files.
* [hget]( - A CLI to convert HTML into plain text. Can be used to fetch a site's HTML version and convert it into plain text, or to deliver plain text versions of your site dynamically.
* [jsonify-resume]( - A cli that converts resumes into JSON Resume schema.
* [minify.js]( - Recursively minify all JavaScript files.
* [NestedTextTo]( - CLI to convert between NestedText and JSON, YAML, or TOML.
* [Pandoc]( - Universal document file converter; handles input output from/to a number of formats: HTML, PDF, LaTeX, docx, odt, AsciiDoc, Markdown, Textile, just to mention a few; the quality of conversion strongly depends on the combination of input/output formats.
* [scss-to-css]( - Recursively compile all SCSS files into minified CSS.
@ -1256,6 +1255,7 @@ Tools for developers, including debuggers, testing, line counters, boilerplate a
* [howdoi]( - Instant coding answers via the command line.
* [Kool]( - CLI tool that brings the complexities of modern software development making these environments lightweight, fast and reproducible.
* [Leetcode-go]( - A simple CLI tool for searching, downloading and submitting problems to leetcode.
* [minify.js]( - Recursively minify all JavaScript files.
* [mk]( - mk is a CLI tool that aims to ease contribution to any open-source project by hiding repository implementation details from the casual contributor.
* [nbterm]( - Jupyter Notebooks in the terminal.
* [np]( - A better `npm publish`.

@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ prompt,Polus,,,"A fast, lightweight
prompt,Oh My Posh,,,"From their README: ""The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer""."
conversion,scss-to-css,,,Recursively compile all SCSS files into minified CSS.
package-manager,pmt,,,Translator of package names between different package managers of Linux distributions.
conversion,minify.js,,,Recursively minify all JavaScript files.
programming,minify.js,,,Recursively minify all JavaScript files.
rm,extundelete,,,Recover deleted files from an ext3 or ext4 partition through its journal.
rm,undelete-btrfs,,,"Automate the generation of path regex for BTRFS restore and attempt the restore for you in 3 levels. The longer a file has existed prior to being deleted, the more likely it is to be recovered."
rm,testdisk,,,"Lets you undelete files from FAT, exFAT, NTFS, and ext2 filesystems and do many other things, e.g., fix partition tables and recover deleted partitions."

1 category name homepage git description
1476 prompt Oh My Posh From their README: "The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer".
1477 conversion scss-to-css Recursively compile all SCSS files into minified CSS.
1478 package-manager pmt Translator of package names between different package managers of Linux distributions.
1479 conversion programming minify.js Recursively minify all JavaScript files.
1480 rm extundelete Recover deleted files from an ext3 or ext4 partition through its journal.
1481 rm undelete-btrfs Automate the generation of path regex for BTRFS restore and attempt the restore for you in 3 levels. The longer a file has existed prior to being deleted, the more likely it is to be recovered.
1482 rm testdisk Lets you undelete files from FAT, exFAT, NTFS, and ext2 filesystems and do many other things, e.g., fix partition tables and recover deleted partitions.