Fix: missing ponctuation and wrong formatting

Vitor Henrique 3 months ago
parent 13e64d2fe4
commit 13ea90ddb2

@ -1427,13 +1427,13 @@ system,quickemu,,,"Quickly create an
shells,es,,,"(extensible shell) shell with first class functions, lexical scope, exceptions, and rich return values, based on Plan9's rc."
shells,ksh93,,,"(KornShell) a shell programming language that is compatible with the Bourne Shell in addition and has the major command-entry features of the BSD shell csh."
shells,Tcsh,,,C shell with file name completion and command line editing.
shells,Yash,,,Yash,(yet another shell) a POSIX-compliant command line shell written in C99.
shells,Yash,,,"(yet another shell) a POSIX-compliant command line shell written in C99."
shells,Oils,,,"From their README: ""Oils is our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime!"" "
shells,mksh,,,(MirBSD Korn Shell) an actively developed free implementation of the Korn Shell programming language and a successor to the Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh).
shells,murex,,,"An intuitive, typed and content aware shell for the 2020s and beyond."
shells,dune,,,A customizable shell that aims to be cozy.
shells,PowerShell,,,"An automation and configuration tool/framework optimized for dealing with structured data, REST APIs, and object models."
shells,oksh,,,Portable OpenBSD ksh
shells,oksh,,,Portable OpenBSD ksh.
shells,Rash,,,"A shell language, library, and REPL for Racket."
shells,arsh,,,A statically typed scripting language with shell-like features.
terminal,abduco,,,"abduco provides session management i.e. it allows programs to be run independently from their controlling terminal."

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 1430.