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(ns asciinema.boundary.asciicast-database-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[ :as jdbc]
[clj-time.local :as timel]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
[asciinema.boundary.asciicast-database :as db]))
(defmacro with-db-component [component-var & body]
`(let [component# (-> (duct.component.hikaricp/hikaricp {:uri "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:15432/asciinema_test?user=vagrant"})
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [db# (:spec component#)]
(let [~component-var (assoc component# :spec db#)]
(jdbc/db-set-rollback-only! db#)
(component/stop component#)))))
(defn insert-asciicast
([db] (insert-asciicast db {}))
([db attrs]
(first (jdbc/insert! db :asciicasts (merge {:duration 10.0
:terminal_columns 80
:terminal_lines 24
:created_at (timel/local-now)
:updated_at (timel/local-now)
:version 1
:secret_token "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"}
(deftest get-asciicast-by-id-test
(testing "for existing asciicast"
(with-db-component db
(let [asciicast (insert-asciicast (:spec db))]
(is (map? (db/get-asciicast-by-id db (:id asciicast)))))))
(testing "for non-existing asciicast"
(with-db-component db
(is (nil? (db/get-asciicast-by-id db 1))))))
(deftest get-asciicast-by-token-test
(testing "for existing public asciicast"
(with-db-component db
(let [asciicast (insert-asciicast (:spec db) {:private false})]
(is (map? (db/get-asciicast-by-token db (:secret_token asciicast))))
(is (map? (db/get-asciicast-by-token db (-> asciicast :id str)))))))
(testing "for existing private asciicast"
(with-db-component db
(let [asciicast (insert-asciicast (:spec db) {:private true})]
(is (map? (db/get-asciicast-by-token db (:secret_token asciicast))))
(is (nil? (db/get-asciicast-by-token db (-> asciicast :id str)))))))
(testing "for non-existing asciicast"
(with-db-component db
(is (nil? (db/get-asciicast-by-token db "1"))))))