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require 'rails_helper'
feature "Asciicast page", :js => true do
let!(:user) { create(:user, username: 'aaron') }
let!(:asciicast) { create(:asciicast, user: user, title: 'the title') }
let!(:other_asciicast) { create(:asciicast, user: user) }
scenario 'Visiting as guest' do
visit asciicast_path(asciicast)
expect(page).to have_content('the title')
expect(page).to have_link('aaron')
expect(page).to have_link('Embed')
expect(page).to have_selector('.cinema .play-button')
def rgb(color)
[ChunkyPNG::Color.r(color), ChunkyPNG::Color.g(color), ChunkyPNG::Color.b(color)]
scenario 'Requesting PNG', needs_phantomjs_2_bin: true do
visit asciicast_path(asciicast, format: :png)
expect(current_path).to match(%r{/uploads/test/asciicast/image/\d+/\w+\.png$})
png = ChunkyPNG::Image.from_file("#{Rails.root}/public/#{current_path}")
# make sure there are black-ish borders
expect(rgb(png[1, 1])).to eq([18, 19, 20])
expect(rgb(png[png.width - 2, png.height - 2])).to eq([18, 19, 20])
# check content color (blue background)
expect(rgb(png[15, 15])).to eq([0, 175, 255])
# make sure white SVG play icon is rendered correctly
expect(rgb(png[png.width / 2, (png.height / 2) - 10])).to eq([255, 255, 255])
# make sure PowerlineSymbols are rendered
expect(rgb(png[144, 795])).to eq([0, 95, 255])