You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

140 lines
3.1 KiB

class AsciiIo.TerminalView extends Backbone.View
tagName: 'pre'
className: 'terminal'
initialize: (options) ->
@cols = options.cols
@lines = options.lines
@cachedSpans = {}
@showCursor true
# this.updateScreen();
# this.render();
# this.renderLine(0); // we only need 1 line
# this.element.css({ width: this.element.width(), height: this.element.height() });
createChildElements: ->
i = 0
while i < @lines
row = $("<span class=\"line\">")
@$el.append row
@$el.append "\n"
clearScreen: ->
# this.lineData.length = 0;
# @cursorY = @cursorX = 0
render: (changes, cursorX, cursorY) ->
for n, data of changes
c = if parseInt(n) is cursorY then cursorX else undefined
@renderLine n, data || [], c
afterInsertedToDom: ->
width = @$el.width()
height = @$el.height()
@$el.css(width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px')
renderLine: (n, data, cursorX) ->
html = ''
prevBrush = undefined
for i in [0...@cols]
d = data[i]
if d
[char, brush] = d
char = char.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
if brush != prevBrush or i is cursorX or i is (cursorX + 1)
if prevBrush
html += '</span>'
html += @spanFromBrush(brush, i is cursorX)
prevBrush = brush
html += char
html += ' '
html += '</span>' if prevBrush
@$el.find(".line:eq(" + n + ")").html html
spanFromBrush: (brush, hasCursor) ->
key = "#{AsciiIo.Brush.hash(brush)}_#{hasCursor}"
span = @cachedSpans[key]
if not span
span = ""
if hasCursor or brush.fg isnt undefined or isnt undefined or brush.bright or brush.underline
span = "<span class=\""
if brush.fg isnt undefined
fg = brush.fg
fg += 8 if fg < 8 and brush.bright
span += " fg" + fg
if isnt undefined
bg =
bg += 8 if bg < 8 and brush.blink
span += " bg" + bg
if brush.bright
span += " bright"
if brush.underline
span += " underline"
if brush.italic
span += " italic"
span += " cursor visible" if hasCursor
span += "\">"
@cachedSpans[key] = span
showCursor: (show) ->
if show
@$el.addClass "cursor-on"
@$el.removeClass "cursor-on"
blinkCursor: ->
cursor = @$el.find(".cursor")
if cursor.hasClass("visible")
cursor.removeClass "visible"
cursor.addClass "visible"
resetCursorState: ->
cursor = @$el.find(".cursor")
cursor.addClass "visible"
startCursorBlink: ->
@cursorTimerId = setInterval(@blinkCursor.bind(this), 500)
stopCursorBlink: ->
if @cursorTimerId
clearInterval @cursorTimerId
@cursorTimerId = null
restartCursorBlink: ->
visualBell: ->