307 lines
5.9 KiB
307 lines
5.9 KiB
class AsciiIo.Terminal
constructor: (cols, lines) ->
@element = $(".player .term")
@cols = cols
@lines = lines
@cursorX = 0
@cursorY = 0
@normalBuffer = []
@alternateBuffer = []
@lineData = @normalBuffer
@dirtyLines = []
@fg = @bg = undefined
@showCursor true
# this.updateScreen();
# this.render();
# this.renderLine(0); // we only need 1 line
# this.element.css({ width: this.element.width(), height: this.element.height() });
createChildElements: ->
i = 0
while i < @lines
row = $("<span class=\"line\">")
@element.append row
@element.append "\n"
getLine: (n) ->
n = (if typeof n isnt "undefined" then n else @cursorY)
throw "cant getLine " + n if n >= @lines
line = @lineData[n]
if typeof line is "undefined"
line = @lineData[n] = []
@fill n, 0, @cols, " "
clearScreen: ->
# this.lineData.length = 0;
@cursorY = @cursorX = 0
switchToNormalBuffer: ->
@lineData = @normalBuffer
switchToAlternateBuffer: ->
@lineData = @alternateBuffer
renderLine: (n) ->
html = @getLine(n)
if n is @cursorY
html = html.slice(0, @cursorX).concat([ "<span class=\"cursor\">" + (html[@cursorX] or "") + "</span>" ], html.slice(@cursorX + 1) or [])
@element.find(".line:eq(" + n + ")").html html.join("")
render: ->
updated = []
i = 0
while i < @dirtyLines.length
n = @dirtyLines[i]
if updated.indexOf(n) is -1
@renderLine n
updated.push n
@dirtyLines = []
updateLine: (n) ->
n = (if typeof n isnt "undefined" then n else @cursorY)
@dirtyLines.push n
updateScreen: ->
@dirtyLines = []
l = 0
while l < @lines
@dirtyLines.push l
showCursor: (show) ->
if show
@element.addClass "cursor-on"
@element.removeClass "cursor-on"
setSGR: (codes) ->
codes = [0] if codes.length is 0
i = 0
while i < codes.length
n = codes[i]
if n is 0
@fg = @bg = undefined
@bright = false
else if n is 1
@bright = true
else if n >= 30 and n <= 37
@fg = n - 30
else if n >= 40 and n <= 47
@bg = n - 40
else if n is 38
@fg = codes[i + 2]
i += 2
else if n is 48
@bg = codes[i + 2]
i += 2
setCursorPos: (line, col) ->
line -= 1
col -= 1
oldLine = @cursorY
@cursorY = line
@cursorX = col
@updateLine oldLine
saveCursor: ->
@savedCol = @cursorX
@savedLine = @cursorY
restoreCursor: ->
oldLine = @cursorY
@cursorY = @savedLine
@cursorX = @savedCol
@updateLine oldLine
cursorLeft: ->
if @cursorX > 0
@cursorX -= 1
cursorRight: ->
if @cursorX < @cols
@cursorX += 1
cursorUp: ->
if @cursorY > 0
@cursorY -= 1
@updateLine @cursorY
@updateLine @cursorY + 1
cursorDown: ->
if @cursorY + 1 < @lines
@cursorY += 1
@updateLine @cursorY - 1
@updateLine @cursorY
@lineData.splice 0, 1
cursorForward: (n) ->
i = 0
while i < n
cursorBack: (n) ->
i = 0
while i < n
cr: ->
@cursorX = 0
bs: ->
if @cursorX > 0
@getLine()[@cursorX - 1] = " "
@cursorX -= 1
print: (text) ->
text = Utf8.decode(text)
i = 0
while i < text.length
if @cursorX >= @cols
@cursorY += 1
@cursorX = 0
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, 1, text[i]
@cursorX += 1
eraseData: (n) ->
if n is 0
@eraseInLine 0
l = @cursorY + 1
while l < @lines
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
else if n is 1
l = 0
while l < @cursorY
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
@eraseInLine n
else if n is 2
l = 0
while l < @lines
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
eraseInLine: (n) ->
if n is 0
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, @cols - @cursorX, " "
else if n is 1
@fill @cursorY, 0, @cursorX, " "
else if n is 2
@fill @cursorY, 0, @cols, " "
clearLineData: (n) ->
@fill n, 0, @cols, " "
reserveCharacters: (n) ->
line = @getLine()
@lineData[@cursorY] = line.slice(0, @cursorX).concat(" ".times(n).split(""), line.slice(@cursorX, @cols - n))
ri: (n) ->
i = 0
while i < n
if @cursorY is 0
@insertLines 0, n
insertLines: (l, n) ->
i = 0
while i < n
@lineData.splice l, 0, []
@clearLineData l
@lineData.length = @lines
fill: (line, col, n, char) ->
prefix = ""
postfix = ""
if @fg isnt undefined or @bg isnt undefined or @bright
prefix = "<span class=\""
brightOffset = (if @bright then 8 else 0)
if @fg isnt undefined
prefix += " fg" + (@fg + brightOffset)
else if @bright
prefix += " bright"
prefix += " bg" + @bg if @bg isnt undefined
prefix += "\">"
postfix = "</span>"
char = prefix + char + postfix
lineArr = @getLine(line)
i = 0
while i < n
lineArr[col + i] = char
blinkCursor: ->
cursor = @element.find(".cursor")
if cursor.hasClass("inverted")
cursor.removeClass "inverted"
cursor.addClass "inverted"
restartCursorBlink: ->
if @cursorTimerId
clearInterval @cursorTimerId
@cursorTimerId = null
@cursorTimerId = setInterval(@blinkCursor.bind(this), 500)