version: '2' # Quickstart: # docker-compose run --rm db_init # docker-compose up -d web # To cleanup: # docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm services: postgres: image: postgres container_name: asciinema_postgres environment: POSTGRES_USER: "asciinema" POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "sekrit" ### Uncomment to enable DB persistence # volumes: # - ./postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data ### See for more ### configuration options for this image. redis: image: redis container_name: asciinema_redis ### Uncomment to enable Redis persistence # volumes: # - ./redis:/data ### See for more ### configuration options for this image. sidekiq: image: asciinema/ container_name: asciinema_worker links: - redis - postgres - smtp environment: DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://asciinema:sekrit@postgres/asciinema" REDIS_URL: "redis://redis:6379" HOST: "localhost:3000" command: "bundle exec sidekiq" volumes: - /tmp/asciinema/uploads:/app/uploads smtp: image: namshi/smtp container_name: asciinema_smtp environment: MAILNAME: "localhost" # see for more SMTP configuration options # for this image web: image: asciinema/ container_name: asciinema_web links: - redis - postgres - smtp depends_on: - sidekiq environment: DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://asciinema:sekrit@postgres/asciinema" REDIS_URL: "redis://redis:6379" HOST: "localhost:3000" # replace with actual hostname/ip.... ${HOSTNAME} doesn't seem to work.. ports: - "3000:80" volumes: - /tmp/asciinema/uploads:/app/uploads db_init: image: asciinema/ links: - redis - postgres environment: DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://asciinema:sekrit@postgres/asciinema" REDIS_URL: "redis://redis:6379" command: "bundle exec rake db:setup" volumes: - /tmp/asciinema/uploads:/app/uploads