section#about.feature .wrapper .primary_info h1 em Record Your Terminal | Share it with no fuss p ' ASCII.IO is the simplest way to record your terminal and share the recordings with your fellow geeks. Simply record and upload your terminal session with #{link_to 'a single command', docs_path(:record)}, and ASCII.IO will play it back in your browser. p = link_to '» Start Recording'.html_safe, docs_path(:record) .secondary_info = player @asciicast, :speed => 2.0, :hud => false if @asciicast section.supplimental .wrapper .main h1 Recent asciicasts .presentations = render :partial => 'asciicasts/previews', :locals => { :asciicasts => @asciicasts } p = link_to 'See more »'.html_safe, browse_path .extras = render :partial => 'shared/browse_categories'