class AsciiIo.Brush @default_fg = 7 @default_bg = 0 @cache: {} @clearCache: -> @cache = {} @default: -> @_default ||= @create() @hash: (brush) -> "#{brush.fg}_#{}_#{brush.blink}_#{brush.bright}_#{brush.italic}_#{brush.underline}_#{brush.reverse}" @create: (options = {}) -> key = @hash options brush = @cache[key] if not brush brush = new AsciiIo.Brush(options) @cache[key] = brush brush constructor: (options = {}) -> @fg = undefined @bg = undefined @blink = false @bright = false @italic = false @underline = false @reverse = false for name, value of options this[name] = value hash: -> AsciiIo.Brush.hash this attributes: -> fg : @fg bg : @bg blink : @blink bright : @bright italic : @italic underline: @underline reverse : @reverse fgColor: -> if @reverse @calculateBgColor() else @calculateFgColor() bgColor: -> if @reverse @calculateFgColor() else @calculateBgColor() calculateFgColor: -> color = @fg color = AsciiIo.Brush.default_fg if color is undefined color += 8 if color < 8 and @bright color calculateBgColor: -> color = @bg color = AsciiIo.Brush.default_bg if color is undefined color += 8 if color < 8 and @blink color applyChanges: (changes) -> attrs = @attributes() for attr, val of changes attrs[attr] = val AsciiIo.Brush.create attrs hasDefaultFg: -> @fgColor() == AsciiIo.Brush.default_fg hasDefaultBg: -> @bgColor() == AsciiIo.Brush.default_bg