require 'rails_helper' class FakesController < ApplicationController def foo ensure_authenticated! end def bar raise Pundit::NotAuthorizedError end def store store_location render :nothing => true end def retrieve @location = get_stored_location @location_again = get_stored_location || 'NOWAI!' render :nothing => true end end describe FakesController do before do @orig_routes, @routes = @routes, @routes.draw do resource :fake do get :foo get :bar get :store get :retrieve end end end after do @routes, @orig_routes = @orig_routes, nil end describe "action raise unauthorized" do context "when xhr" do before { allow(request).to receive(:xhr?).and_return(true) } it "responds with 401" do get :foo expect(response.status).to eq(401) end end context "when normal request" do it "redirects to login page" do expect(@controller).to receive(:store_location) get :foo expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Please log in to proceed") should redirect_to(new_login_path) end end end context "when action raises Pundit::NotAuthorizedError" do context "when xhr" do before { allow(request).to receive(:xhr?).and_return(true) } it "responds with 403" do get :bar expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end context "when normal request" do it "redirects to root_path" do get :bar expect(flash[:alert]).to_not be(nil) should redirect_to(root_path) end end end describe '#store_location / #get_stored_location' do it 'stores current request path to be later retrieved' do get :store get :retrieve expect(assigns[:location]).to eq('/fake/store') expect(assigns[:location_again]).to eq('NOWAI!') end end describe '#redirect_back_or_to' do context 'when there is no stored location' do it 'redirects to given location' do path = double expect(@controller).to receive(:redirect_to).with(path) @controller.send(:redirect_back_or_to, path) end end context 'when there is stored location' do it 'redirects to stored location' do stored_path = double path = double allow(@controller).to receive(:get_stored_location) { stored_path } expect(@controller).to receive(:redirect_to).with(stored_path) @controller.send(:redirect_back_or_to, path) end end end end