markdown: # Frequently Asked Questions ## How can I delete the recorded asciicast? In order to delete your asciicast you need to associate your local API token (which was assigned to the recorded asciicast) with the account. Just run `asciinema auth` in your terminal and open the printed URL in your browser. Once you sign in you'll see a "Delete" link on your asciicast's page. ## How can I point asciinema client to the custom asciinema instance? You can easily tell asciinema client to use custom API URL by adding following setting to _~/.asciinema/config_ file: [api] url = http://localhost:3000 ## Can I edit/post-process the recorded asciicast? TL;DR answer: No, you can't. That's tricky. You can't do that at the moment. And there is a little chance asciinema will allow for this in the future. The thing is, the recording consists of two streams: text printed to the terminal and the timing information (how many characters to print after what delay). If you deleted some text from the first stream you would need to track the appropriate item in the second stream and adjust the number of characters for it. Otherwise the replay of the asciicast would get broken and just look improper. Also, some characters in the text stream are not printable characters, they are escape sequences used to change the text foreground and background color, erase some areas of the terminal etc. Each sequence depends on the state of the terminal at a given moment. By (accidently) removing these sequences you can break the whole output so it displays mostly rubbish.