class Asciicast < ActiveRecord::Base ORDER_MODES = { recency: 'created_at', popularity: 'views_count' } mount_uploader :stdin_data, StdinDataUploader mount_uploader :stdin_timing, StdinTimingUploader mount_uploader :stdout_data, StdoutDataUploader mount_uploader :stdout_timing, StdoutTimingUploader mount_uploader :stdout_frames, StdoutFramesUploader mount_uploader :file, AsciicastUploader mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader serialize :snapshot, ActiveSupportJsonProxy belongs_to :user has_many :comments, -> { order(:created_at) }, dependent: :destroy has_many :likes, dependent: :destroy validates :user, :terminal_columns, :terminal_lines, :duration, presence: true validates :stdout_data, :stdout_timing, presence: true, unless: :file validates :file, presence: true, unless: :stdout_data validates :snapshot_at, numericality: { greater_than: 0, allow_blank: true } scope :featured, -> { where(featured: true) } scope :by_recency, -> { order("created_at DESC") } scope :by_random, -> { order("RANDOM()") } scope :latest_limited, -> (n) { by_recency.limit(n).includes(:user) } scope :random_featured_limited, -> (n) { featured.by_random.limit(n).includes(:user) } def self.cache_key timestamps = { |o| o.updated_at.to_i } Digest::MD5.hexdigest timestamps.join('/') end def self.paginate(page, per_page) page(page).per(per_page) end def self.for_category_ordered(category, order, page = nil, per_page = nil) collection = all if category == :featured collection = collection.featured end collection = collection.order("#{ORDER_MODES[order]} DESC") if page collection = collection.paginate(page, per_page) end collection end def user super || self.user = User.null end def stdout return @stdout if @stdout @stdout = end def with_terminal terminal =, terminal_lines) yield(terminal) ensure terminal.release if terminal end def theme theme_name.presence && Theme.for_name(theme_name) end def image_filename "#{image_hash}.png" end def image_stale? !image.file || (image.file.filename != image_filename) end private def get_stdout if version == 0, stdout_timing.decompressed_path) else end end def image_hash version = 2 # version of screenshot, increment to force regeneration input = "#{version}/#{id}/#{snapshot_at}" Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(input) end end