class AsciiIo.ScreenBuffer constructor: (@cols, @lines, @scrollRegion, @tabStops) -> @lineData = [] @dirtyLines = {} @cursorX = 0 @cursorY = 0 @setBrush AsciiIo.Brush.default() @setCharset 'us' topMargin: -> @scrollRegion.getTop() bottomMargin: -> @scrollRegion.getBottom() updateLine: (n = @cursorY) -> @dirtyLines[n] = true updateLines: (a, b) -> n = a while n <= b @updateLine n n++ updateScreen: -> @updateLine n for n in [0...@lines] changes: -> changes = {} for n, _ of @dirtyLines data = @lineData[n] || [] fragments = [] currentBrush = AsciiIo.Brush.default() currentText = '' for i in [0...@cols] d = data[i] if d [char, brush] = d else [char, brush] = [' ', currentBrush] if brush == currentBrush currentText += char else fragments.push([currentText, currentBrush]) if currentText.length > 0 currentText = char currentBrush = brush fragments.push([currentText, currentBrush]) if currentText.length > 0 changes[n] = fragments changes clearChanges: -> @dirtyLines = {} getLine: (n = @cursorY) -> throw "cant getLine " + n if n >= @lines line = @lineData[n] if typeof line is "undefined" line = @lineData[n] = [] @fill n, 0, @cols, " " line _addEmptyLine: (l) -> @lineData.splice l, 0, [] @clearLineData l _removeLine: (l) -> @lineData.splice l, 1 reserveCharacters: (n) -> line = @getLine() @lineData[@cursorY] = line.slice(0, @cursorX).concat(" ".times(n).split(""), line.slice(@cursorX, @cols - n)) @updateLine() fill: (line, col, n, char, brush=@brush) -> lineArr = @getLine(line) i = 0 while i < n lineArr[col + i] = [char, brush] i++ deleteCharacters: (n) -> line = @getLine() brush = line[line.length-1][1] line.splice(@cursorX, n) @fill(@cursorY, @cols - n, n, ' ', brush) @updateLine() print: (text) -> text = Utf8.decode(text) startLine = @cursorY i = 0 while i < text.length if @cursorX >= @cols @goToNextRowFirstColumn() @fill @cursorY, @cursorX, 1, @charsetModifier(text[i]) @cursorX += 1 i++ endLine = @cursorY @updateLines(startLine, endLine) clearLineData: (n) -> @fill n, 0, @cols, " " # ----- Cursor control correctCursorPos: -> if @cursorX < 0 @cursorX = 0 if @cursorX >= @cols @cursorX = @cols - 1 if @cursorY < 0 @cursorY = 0 if @cursorY >= @lines @cursorY = @lines - 1 priorRow: (n = 1) -> for i in [0...n] if @cursorY > 0 @cursorY -= 1 @updateLine @cursorY @updateLine @cursorY + 1 nextRow: (n = 1) -> for i in [0...n] if @cursorY + 1 < @lines @cursorY += 1 @updateLine @cursorY - 1 @updateLine @cursorY nextColumn: (n = 1) -> @_cursorRight() for i in [0...n] priorColumn: (n = 1) -> @_cursorLeft() for i in [0...n] _cursorLeft: -> if @cursorX > 0 @cursorX -= 1 @updateLine() _cursorRight: -> if @cursorX < @cols - 1 @cursorX += 1 @updateLine() priorRowFirstColumn: (n = 1) -> @goToFirstColumn() @priorRow n nextRowFirstColumn: (n = 1) -> @goToFirstColumn() @nextRow n goToColumn: (col = 1) -> @cursorX = col - 1 @correctCursorPos() @updateLine() goToRow: (line = 1) -> oldLine = @cursorY @cursorY = line - 1 @correctCursorPos() if oldLine != @cursorY @updateLine oldLine @updateLine() goToRowAndColumn: (line = 1, col = 1) -> @goToRow line @goToColumn col goToNextHorizontalTabStop: (n) -> x = @goToRowAndColumn(@cursorY + 1, x + 1) @updateLine() goToPriorHorizontalTabStop: (n) -> x = @tabStops.prev(@cursorX) @goToRowAndColumn(@cursorY + 1, x + 1) @updateLine() clearHorizontalTabStop: -> console.log 'clearHorizontalTabStop' clearAllHorizontalTabStops: -> console.log 'clearAllHorizontalTabStops' saveCursor: -> @savedCol = @cursorX @savedLine = @cursorY restoreCursor: -> oldLine = @cursorY @cursorY = @savedLine @cursorX = @savedCol @updateLine oldLine @updateLine() goToFirstColumn: -> @cursorX = 0 @updateLine() # ----- Attribute control setBrush: (brush) -> @brush = brush getBrush: -> @brush saveBrush: -> @savedBrush = @brush restoreBrush: -> @brush = @savedBrush repeatLastCharacter: (n = 1) -> updateBrush: (changes) -> attrs = @brush.attributes() for attr, val of changes attrs[attr] = val @brush = AsciiIo.Brush.create attrs # ----- Scroll control inScrollRegion: -> @cursorY >= @topMargin() and @cursorY <= @bottomMargin() scrollUp: (n = 1) -> @insertLines n, @topMargin() scrollDown: (n = 1) -> @deleteLines n, @topMargin() insertLines: (n, l = @cursorY) -> return unless @inScrollRegion() i = 0 while i < n @_removeLine @bottomMargin() @_addEmptyLine l i++ @updateLines(l, @bottomMargin()) deleteLines: (n, l = @cursorY) -> return unless @inScrollRegion() i = 0 while i < n @_removeLine l @_addEmptyLine @bottomMargin() i++ @updateLines(l, @bottomMargin()) goToPriorRow: -> if @cursorY is @topMargin() @scrollUp() else @priorRow() goToNextRow: -> if @cursorY is @bottomMargin() @scrollDown() else @nextRow() goToNextRowFirstColumn: -> @goToFirstColumn() @goToNextRow() setLineWrap: (linewrap) -> # ----- Erase control eraseScreen: -> l = 0 while l < @lines @clearLineData l @updateLine l l++ eraseFromScreenStart: -> l = 0 while l < @cursorY @clearLineData l @updateLine l l++ @eraseFromRowStart() eraseToScreenEnd: -> @eraseToRowEnd() l = @cursorY + 1 while l < @lines @clearLineData l @updateLine l l++ eraseRow: -> @fill @cursorY, 0, @cols, " " @updateLine() eraseFromRowStart: -> @fill @cursorY, 0, @cursorX, " " @updateLine() eraseToRowEnd: -> @fill @cursorY, @cursorX, @cols - @cursorX, " " @updateLine() eraseCharacters: (n = 1) -> @fill @cursorY, @cursorX, n, " " @updateLine() # ------ Charset control setCharset: (charset) -> @charset = charset switch charset when 'uk' @charsetModifier = @ukCharsetModifier when 'us' @charsetModifier = @usCharsetModifier when 'special' @charsetModifier = @specialCharsetModifier getCharset: -> @charset usCharsetModifier: (char) -> char ukCharsetModifier: (char) -> char specialCharsetModifier: (char) -> AsciiIo.SpecialCharset[char.charCodeAt(0)] or char