# Frequently Asked Questions ## How is it pronounced? _[as-kee-nuh-muh]_. The word “asciinema” is a combination of English “ASCII” and Ancient Greek “κίνημα” (kínēma, “movement”). ## Why am I getting `command not found` at the begining of the recording session? When recording asciinema starts new shell instance (as indicated by `$SHELL` environment variable) by default. It invokes `exec $SHELL`, which in most cases translates to `exec /bin/bash` or `exec /bin/zsh`. This means the shell runs as an "interactive shell", but **not as a "login shell"**. If you have functions and/or other shell configuration defined in either `.bash_profile`, `.zprofile` or `.profile` file they are not loaded unless the shell is started as a login shell. Some terminal emulators do that (passing "-l" option to the shell command-line), some don't. asciinema doesn't. Worry not, you have several options. You can: * move this part of configuration to `.bashrc/.zshrc`, * record with `asciinema rec -c "/bin/bash -l"` or, * add the following setting to your `$HOME/.config/asciinema/config` file: ``` [record] command = /bin/bash -l ``` ## Why my shell prompt/theme isn't working during recording? See above. ## Why some of my custom shell functions are not available during recording? See above. ## Does it record the passwords I type during recording? asciinema records only terminal output - everything that you can actually see in a terminal window. It doesn't record input (keys pressed). Some applications turn off "echo mode" when asking for a password, and because the passwords are not visible they are not recorded. Some applications display star characters instead of real characters and asciinema records only "******". However, some applications don't have any precautions and the actual password is visible to the user, and thus recorded by asciinema. ## Can I embed the asciicast player on my blog? Yes, see [embedding docs](/docs/embedding). ## How can I delete my asciicast? In order to delete your asciicast you need to associate your local API token (which was assigned to the recorded asciicast) with the asciinema.org account. Just run `asciinema auth` in your terminal and open the printed URL in your browser. Once you sign in you'll see a "Delete" link on your asciicast's page. ## Can I have my own asciinema site instance? Yes, you can set up your own asciinema site. The source code of the app that runs asciinema.org is available [here](https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema.org). When you have the site up and running you can easily tell asciinema client to use it by adding following setting to _~/.config/asciinema/config_ file: [api] url = http://asciinema.example.com Alternatively, you can set `ASCIINEMA_API_URL` env variable: ASCIINEMA_API_URL=http://asciinema.example.com asciinema rec ## Can I edit/post-process the recorded asciicast? Yes, if you know how to deal with [ansi escape sequences](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code). Asciicasts are self-contained JSON files which you can edit before uploading. Look at `stdout` attribute in [asciicast format doc](https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema/blob/master/doc/asciicast-v1.md) for inspiration.