ASCIINEMA_HOME = ENV["ASCIINEMA_HOME"] || Dir.pwd UNICORN_WORKERS = (ENV["UNICORN_WORKERS"] || "4").to_i # Use at least one worker per core if you're on a dedicated server, # more will usually help for _short_ waits on databases/caches. worker_processes UNICORN_WORKERS # Help ensure your application will always spawn in the symlinked # "current" directory that Capistrano sets up. working_directory ASCIINEMA_HOME listen 3000, :tcp_nopush => true # nuke workers after 60 seconds timeout 60 # feel free to point this anywhere accessible on the filesystem pid "#{ASCIINEMA_HOME}/tmp/" preload_app true # Enable this flag to have unicorn test client connections by writing the # beginning of the HTTP headers before calling the application. This # prevents calling the application for connections that have disconnected # while queued. This is only guaranteed to detect clients on the same # host unicorn runs on, and unlikely to detect disconnects even on a # fast LAN. check_client_connection false before_exec do |server| ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "#{ASCIINEMA_HOME}/Gemfile" end before_fork do |server, worker| if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect!'Disconnected from ActiveRecord') end old_pid = "#{server.config[:pid]}.oldbin" if old_pid != begin sig = ( + 1) >= server.worker_processes ? :QUIT : :TTOU Process.kill(sig, rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH end end end after_fork do |server, worker| if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection'Connected to ActiveRecord') end end