<% content_for(:title, 'Getting started') %> # Getting started ## 1. Install the recorder <%= render partial: 'docs/script_install_and_other' %> ## 2. Record Go to your terminal and run the following command: asciinema rec New shell will be spawned and everything you do in it will get recorded. When you're ready to finish simply exit the shell either by typing `exit` or hitting Ctrl-D. See [usage instructions](<%= docs_path(:usage) %>) to learn about all commands and options. ## 3. Create your profile (optional) If you want your recordings to be assigned to your asciinema profile run the following command: asciinema auth If you skip this step now, you can run the above command later and all previously recorded asciicasts will automatically get assigned to your profile. NOTE: To be able to edit/delete your recordings you have to assign them to your profile.