module ApplicationHelper class CategoryLinks def initialize(current_category, view_context) @current_category = current_category @view_context = view_context end def link_to(*args) @view_context.link_to_category(@current_category, *args) end end def page_title if content_for?(:title) "#{content_for(:title)} - Asciinema" else "Asciinema - Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way" end end def twitter_auth_path "/auth/twitter" end def github_auth_path "/auth/github" end def browser_id_user email = current_user && || session[:new_user_email] email ? "'#{email}'".html_safe : 'null' end def markdown(&block) text = capture(&block) MKD_RENDERER.render(capture(&block)).html_safe end def indented_text(string, width) { |l| "#{' ' * width}#{l}" }.join('') end def category_links(current_category, &blk) links =, self) content_tag(:ul, class: 'nav nav-pills nav-stacked') do end end def link_to_category(current_category, text, url, name) opts = {} if name == current_category opts[:class] = 'active' end content_tag(:li, link_to(text, url), opts) end def time_ago_tag(time, options = {}) options[:class] ||= "timeago" content_tag(:abbr, time.to_s, options.merge(:title => time.getutc.iso8601)) end def color_check_asciicast_path if id = CFG['COLOR_CHECK_CAST_ID'] asciicast_path(id) end end end