/** @jsx React.DOM */ (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; var PlaybackControlButton = React.createClass({ displayName: 'PlayButton', // props: playing, onPauseClick, onResumeClick render: function() { var icon; if (this.props.playing) { icon = asciinema.PauseIcon(); } else { icon = asciinema.PlayIcon(); } return dom.span({ className: "playback-button", onClick: this.handleClick }, icon); }, handleClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.props.playing) { this.props.onPauseClick(); } else { this.props.onResumeClick(); } } }); var FullscreenToggleButton = React.createClass({ displayName: 'FullscreenToggleButton', // props: fullscreen, onClick render: function() { var icon; if (this.props.fullscreen) { icon = asciinema.ShrinkIcon(); } else { icon = asciinema.ExpandIcon(); } return dom.span({ className: "fullscreen-button", onClick: this.handleClick }, icon); }, handleClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.props.onClick(); }, }); exports.ControlBar = React.createClass({ displayName: 'ControlBar', // props: playing, fullscreen, currentTime, totalTime, onPauseClick, // onResumeClick, onSeekClick, toggleFullscreen render: function() { return ( dom.div({ className: "control-bar" }, PlaybackControlButton({ playing: this.props.playing, onPauseClick: this.props.onPauseClick, onResumeClick: this.props.onResumeClick }), asciinema.Timer({ currentTime: this.props.currentTime, totalTime: this.props.totalTime }), FullscreenToggleButton({ fullscreen: this.props.fullscreen, onClick: this.props.toggleFullscreen, }), asciinema.ProgressBar({ value: this.props.currentTime / this.props.totalTime, onClick: this.handleSeek }) ) ) }, handleSeek: function(value) { this.props.onSeekClick(value * this.props.totalTime); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) { return nextProps.playing != this.props.playing || nextProps.currentTime != this.props.currentTime || nextProps.totalTime != this.props.totalTime || nextProps.fullscreen != this.props.fullscreen; }, }); })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.Cursor = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Cursor', // props: fg, bg, char, inverse render: function() { return dom.span({ className: this.className() }, this.props.char); }, className: function() { if (this.props.inverse) { return "cursor fg-" + this.props.fg + " bg-" + this.props.bg; } else { return "cursor fg-" + this.props.bg + " bg-" + this.props.fg; } }, }); })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { function FunnyMovie() { // this.onFrame = onFrame; this.n = 0; this.direction = 1 } FunnyMovie.prototype.start = function(onFrame) { setInterval(function() { this.generateFrame(onFrame); }.bind(this), 100); } FunnyMovie.prototype.generateFrame = function(onFrame) { var lines = {}; lines[this.n] = [[(new Date()).toString(), {}]]; onFrame({ lines: lines }); this.n += this.direction; if (this.n < 0 || this.n >= 10) { this.direction *= -1; } } FunnyMovie.prototype.pause = function() { return false; } FunnyMovie.prototype.resume = function() { return false; } FunnyMovie.prototype.seek = function(time) { return false; } exports.FunnyMovie = FunnyMovie; })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { function HttpArraySource(url, speed) { this.url = url; this.speed = speed || 1; } HttpArraySource.prototype.start = function(onFrame, onFinish, setLoading) { var controller; if (this.data) { controller = this.createController(onFrame, onFinish); } else { this.fetchData(setLoading, function() { controller = this.createController(onFrame, onFinish); }.bind(this)); } return { time: function() { if (controller && controller.time) { return controller.time(); } else { return 0; } }, pause: function() { if (controller && controller.pause) { return controller.pause(); } }, resume: function() { if (controller && controller.resume) { return controller.resume(); } }, seek: function(time) { if (controller && controller.seek) { return controller.seek(time); } } } } HttpArraySource.prototype.fetchData = function(setLoading, onResult) { setLoading(true); var request = $.ajax({ url: this.url, dataType: 'json' }); request.done(function(data) { setLoading(false); this.data = data; onResult(); }.bind(this)); request.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { setLoading(false); console.error(this.url, textStatus); }); } HttpArraySource.prototype.createController = function(onFrame, onFinish) { arraySource = new asciinema.NavigableArraySource(this.data, this.speed); return arraySource.start(onFrame, onFinish); } exports.HttpArraySource = HttpArraySource; })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); /** @jsx React.DOM */ (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.PlayIcon = React.createClass({ displayName: 'PlayIcon', render: function() { return ( dom.svg({ version: "1.1", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 12 12", className: "icon" }, dom.path({ d: "M1,0 L11,6 L1,12 Z" }) ) ) }, }); exports.PauseIcon = React.createClass({ displayName: 'PauseIcon', render: function() { return ( dom.svg({ version: "1.1", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 12 12", className: "icon" }, dom.path({ d: "M1,0 L4,0 L4,12 L1,12 Z" }), dom.path({ d: "M8,0 L11,0 L11,12 L8,12 Z" }) ) ) }, }); exports.ExpandIcon = React.createClass({ displayName: 'ExpandIcon', render: function() { return ( dom.svg({ version: "1.1", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 12 12", className: "icon" }, dom.path({ d: "M0,0 L5,0 L3,2 L5,4 L4,5 L2,3 L0,5 Z" }), dom.path({ d: "M12,12 L12,7 L10,9 L8,7 L7,8 L9,10 L7,12 Z" }) ) ) }, }); exports.ShrinkIcon = React.createClass({ displayName: 'ShrinkIcon', render: function() { return ( dom.svg({ version: "1.1", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 12 12", className: "icon" }, dom.path({ d: "M5,5 L5,0 L3,2 L1,0 L0,1 L2,3 L0,5 Z" }), dom.path({ d: "M7,7 L12,7 L10,9 L12,11 L11,12 L9,10 L7,12 Z" }) ) ) }, }); })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.Line = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Line', // props: parts, cursorX, cursorInverted render: function() { var lineLength = 0; var cursorX = this.props.cursorX; var parts = this.props.parts.map(function(part, index) { var attrs = {}; // clone attrs, so we can adjust it below for (key in part[1]) { attrs[key] = part[1][key]; } var partProps = { text: part[0], attrs: attrs }; var partLength = part[0].length; if (cursorX !== null) { if (lineLength <= cursorX && cursorX < lineLength + partLength) { partProps.cursorX = cursorX - lineLength; partProps.cursorInverted = this.props.cursorInverted; // TODO: remove this hack and update terminal.c to do this instead if (attrs.inverse) { delete attrs.inverse; } else { attrs.inverse = true; } } } lineLength += partLength; return asciinema.Part(partProps); }.bind(this)); return dom.span({ className: "line" }, parts); }, }); })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { function Movie(width, height, source, snapshot, totalTime) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.source = source; this.snapshot = snapshot; this.totalTime = totalTime; } Movie.prototype.start = function(onFrame, onFinish, setTime, setLoading, loop) { var timeIntervalId; var source = this.source; var controller = {}; function onSourceFinish() { if (loop) { start(); } else { clearInterval(timeIntervalId); onFinish(); } } function start() { var ctrl = source.start(onFrame, onSourceFinish, setLoading); for (prop in ctrl) { controller[prop] = ctrl[prop]; } } start(); timeIntervalId = setInterval(function() { setTime(controller.time()); }, 300); return controller; } exports.Movie = Movie; })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); // var source = new ArraySource([]); // var source = new CamSource(80, 24); // var source = new WebsocketSource(url); // var movie = new Movie(80, 24, source, [], 123.456); // var controller = source.start(onFrame, onFinish, setLoading); // controller.pause(); (function(exports) { function now() { return (new Date).getTime() / 1000; } function play(frames, speed, onFrame, onFinish) { var frameNo = 0; var startedAt = new Date; var timeoutId; function generate() { var frame = frames[frameNo]; if (!frame) { return; } onFrame(frame[0], frame[1]); frameNo += 1; scheduleNextFrame(); } function scheduleNextFrame() { var frame = frames[frameNo]; if (frame) { timeoutId = setTimeout(generate, frames[frameNo][0] * 1000 / speed); } else { onFinish(); if (window.console) { window.console.log('finished in ' + ((new Date).getTime() - startedAt.getTime())); } } } function stop() { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } scheduleNextFrame(); return stop; } function NavigableArraySource(frames, speed) { this.frames = frames; this.speed = speed || 1; } NavigableArraySource.prototype.start = function(onFrame, onFinish, setLoading) { var elapsedTime = 0; var currentFramePauseTime; var lastFrameTime; var paused = false; var finished = false; var stop; var playFrom = function(time) { lastFrameTime = now(); elapsedTime = time; return play(this.framesFrom(time), this.speed, function(delay, changes) { lastFrameTime = now(); elapsedTime += delay; onFrame(changes); }, function() { finished = true; onFinish(); }); }.bind(this); var currentFrameTime = function() { return (now() - lastFrameTime) * this.speed; }.bind(this); stop = playFrom(0); return { pause: function() { if (finished) { return false; } paused = true; stop(); currentFramePauseTime = currentFrameTime(); return true; }.bind(this), resume: function() { if (finished) { return false; } paused = false; stop = playFrom(elapsedTime + currentFramePauseTime); return true; }.bind(this), seek: function(seconds) { if (finished) { return false; } paused = false; stop(); stop = playFrom(seconds); return true; }.bind(this), time: function() { if (finished) { return elapsedTime; } else if (paused) { return elapsedTime + currentFramePauseTime; } else { return elapsedTime + currentFrameTime(); } }.bind(this), } } NavigableArraySource.prototype.framesFrom = function(fromTime) { var frameNo = 0; var currentTime = 0; var changes = {}; while (currentTime + this.frames[frameNo][0] < fromTime) { var frame = this.frames[frameNo]; currentTime += frame[0]; asciinema.mergeChanges(changes, frame[1]); frameNo += 1; } var frames = [[0, changes]]; var nextFrame = this.frames[frameNo]; var delay = nextFrame[0] - (fromTime - currentTime); frames = frames.concat([[delay, nextFrame[1]]]); frames = frames.concat(this.frames.slice(frameNo + 1)); return frames; } exports.NavigableArraySource = NavigableArraySource; })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.LoadingOverlay = React.createClass({ displayName: 'LoadingOverlay', render: function() { return ( dom.div({ className: "loading" }, dom.div({ className: "loader" }) ) ); } }); exports.StartOverlay = React.createClass({ displayName: 'StartOverlay', // props: start render: function() { return ( dom.div({ className: "start-prompt", onClick: this.onClick }, dom.div({ className: "play-button" }, dom.div(null, dom.span(null, asciinema.PlayIcon() ) ) ) ) ); }, onClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.props.start(); }, }); })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.Part = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Part', // props: text, attrs, cursorX, cursorInverted render: function() { return dom.span({ className: this.className() }, this.children()); }, children: function() { var text = this.props.text; var cursorX = this.props.cursorX; if (cursorX !== undefined) { var elements = []; if (cursorX > 0) { elements = elements.concat([text.slice(0, cursorX)]) } var cursor = asciinema.Cursor({ fg: this.fgColor() || 'fg', bg: this.bgColor() || 'bg', char: text[cursorX], inverse: this.props.cursorInverted, }); elements = elements.concat([cursor]); if (cursorX + 1 < text.length) { elements = elements.concat([text.slice(cursorX + 1)]); } return elements; } else { return this.props.text; } }, fgColor: function() { var fg = this.props.attrs.fg; if (this.props.attrs.bold && fg !== undefined && fg < 8) { fg += 8; } return fg; }, bgColor: function() { var bg = this.props.attrs.bg; if (this.props.attrs.blink && bg !== undefined && bg < 8) { bg += 8; } return bg; }, className: function() { var classes = []; var attrs = this.props.attrs; var fg = this.fgColor(); var bg = this.bgColor(); if (attrs.inverse) { var fgClass, bgClass; if (bg !== undefined) { fgClass = 'fg-' + bg; } else { fgClass = 'fg-bg'; } if (fg !== undefined) { bgClass = 'bg-' + fg; } else { bgClass = 'bg-fg'; } classes = classes.concat([fgClass, bgClass]); } else { if (fg !== undefined) { classes = classes.concat(['fg-' + fg]); } if (bg !== undefined) { classes = classes.concat(['bg-' + bg]); } } if (attrs.bold) { classes = classes.concat(['bright']); } if (attrs.underline) { classes = classes.concat(['underline']); } return classes.join(' '); } }); })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.Player = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Player', // props: movie, autoPlay, fontSize, theme, loop getInitialState: function() { var lines = this.props.movie.snapshot || []; var cursor = { x: 0, y: 0, visible: false }; var fontSize = this.props.fontSize || 'small'; return { lines: lines, cursor: cursor, fontSize: fontSize, fullscreen: false, loading: false, state: 'not-started', currentTime: 0, totalTime: this.props.movie.totalTime, } }, componentWillMount: function() { if (this.props.autoPlay) { this.start(); } }, componentDidMount: function() { if (screenfull.enabled) { document.addEventListener(screenfull.raw.fullscreenchange, function() { this.setState({ fullscreen: screenfull.isFullscreen }); }.bind(this)); } window.addEventListener('resize', function() { this.setState({ windowHeight: window.innerHeight, playerHeight: this.refs.player.getDOMNode().offsetHeight }); }.bind(this), true); requestAnimationFrame(this.applyChanges); }, render: function() { var overlay; if (this.state.loading) { overlay = asciinema.LoadingOverlay(); } else if (!this.props.autoPlay && this.isNotStarted()) { overlay = asciinema.StartOverlay({ start: this.start }); } return ( dom.div({ className: 'asciinema-player-wrapper' }, dom.div({ ref: 'player', className: this.playerClassName(), style: this.playerStyle() }, asciinema.Terminal({ width: this.props.movie.width, height: this.props.movie.height, fontSize: this.fontSize(), lines: this.state.lines, cursor: this.state.cursor, cursorBlinking: this.isPlaying(), }), asciinema.ControlBar({ playing: this.isPlaying(), onPauseClick: this.pause, onResumeClick: this.resume, onSeekClick: this.seek, currentTime: this.state.currentTime, totalTime: this.state.totalTime, fullscreen: this.state.fullscreen, toggleFullscreen: this.toggleFullscreen, }), overlay ) ) ); }, playerClassName: function() { return 'asciinema-player ' + this.themeClassName(); }, themeClassName: function() { return 'asciinema-theme-' + (this.props.theme || 'tango'); }, fontSize: function() { if (this.state.fullscreen) { return 'small'; } else { return this.state.fontSize; } }, playerStyle: function() { if (this.state.fullscreen && this.state.windowHeight && this.state.playerHeight) { var space = this.state.windowHeight - this.state.playerHeight; if (space > 0) { return { marginTop: (space / 2) + 'px' }; } } return {}; }, setLoading: function(loading) { this.setState({ loading: loading }); }, start: function() { this.setState({ state: 'playing' }); this.movieController = this.props.movie.start(this.onFrame, this.onFinish, this.setTime, this.setLoading, this.props.loop); }, onFinish: function() { this.setState({ state: 'finished' }); }, setTime: function(time) { this.setState({ currentTime: time }); }, pause: function() { if (this.movieController.pause && this.movieController.pause()) { this.setState({ state: 'paused' }); } }, resume: function() { if (this.isFinished()) { this.start(); } else { if (this.movieController.resume && this.movieController.resume()) { this.setState({ state: 'playing' }); } } }, seek: function(time) { if (this.movieController.seek && this.movieController.seek(time)) { this.setState({ state: 'playing', currentTime: time }); } }, toggleFullscreen: function() { if (screenfull.enabled) { screenfull.toggle(this.getDOMNode()); } }, onFrame: function(changes) { this.changes = this.changes || {}; asciinema.mergeChanges(this.changes, changes); }, applyChanges: function() { requestAnimationFrame(this.applyChanges); // if (!this.dirty) { // return; // } var changes = this.changes || {}; var newState = {}; if (changes.lines) { var lines = []; for (var n in this.state.lines) { lines[n] = this.state.lines[n]; } for (var n in changes.lines) { lines[n] = changes.lines[n]; } newState.lines = lines; } if (changes.cursor) { var cursor = { x: this.state.cursor.x, y: this.state.cursor.y, visible: this.state.cursor.visible }; for (var key in changes.cursor) { cursor[key] = changes.cursor[key]; } newState.cursor = cursor; } this.setState(newState); this.changes = {}; }, isNotStarted: function() { return this.state.state === 'not-started'; }, isPlaying: function() { return this.state.state === 'playing'; }, isFinished: function() { return this.state.state === 'finished'; }, }); exports.mergeChanges = function(dest, src) { if (src.lines) { dest.lines = dest.lines || {}; for (var n in src.lines) { dest.lines[n] = src.lines[n]; } } if (src.cursor) { dest.cursor = dest.cursor || {}; for (var key in src.cursor) { dest.cursor[key] = src.cursor[key]; } } } })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.ProgressBar = React.createClass({ displayName: 'ProgressBar', // props.value // props.onClick render: function() { var width = 100 * this.props.value; return ( dom.span({ className: "progressbar" }, dom.span({ className: "bar", ref: "bar", onMouseDown: this.handleClick }, dom.span({ className: "gutter" }, dom.span({ style: { width: width + "%" } }) ) ) ) ) }, handleClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var target = event.target || event.srcElement, style = target.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(target, null), borderLeftWidth = parseInt(style['borderLeftWidth'], 10), borderTopWidth = parseInt(style['borderTopWidth'], 10), rect = target.getBoundingClientRect(), offsetX = event.clientX - borderLeftWidth - rect.left, offsetY = event.clientY - borderTopWidth - rect.top; var barWidth = this.refs.bar.getDOMNode().offsetWidth; this.props.onClick(offsetX / barWidth); } }); })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {}); (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.Terminal = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Terminal', // props: width, height, fontSize, lines, cursor, cursorBlinking getInitialState: function() { return { cursorInverted: false }; }, render: function() { var cursor = this.props.cursor; var lines = this.props.lines.map(function(line, index) { if (cursor.visible && cursor.y == index) { return asciinema.Line({ parts: line, cursorX: cursor.x, cursorInverted: this.props.cursorBlinking && this.state.cursorInverted, }); } else { return asciinema.Line({ parts: line }); } }.bind(this)); return dom.pre({ className: this.className(), style: this.style() }, lines); }, className: function() { return "asciinema-terminal " + this.fontClassName(); }, fontClassName: function() { return 'font-' + this.props.fontSize; }, style: function() { if (this.state.charDimensions) { var dimensions = this.state.charDimensions[this.props.fontSize]; var width = this.props.width * dimensions.width + 'px'; var height = this.props.height * dimensions.height + 'px'; return { width: width, height: height }; } else { return {}; } }, componentDidMount: function() { this.calculateCharDimensions(); this.startBlinking(); }, componentDidUpdate: function(prevProps, prevState) { if (prevProps.lines != this.props.lines || prevProps.cursor != this.props.cursor) { this.restartBlinking(); } }, componentWillUnmount: function() { this.stopBlinking(); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) { return nextProps.lines != this.props.lines || nextProps.cursor != this.props.cursor || nextProps.fontSize != this.props.fontSize || nextState.cursorInverted != this.state.cursorInverted || nextState.charDimensions != this.state.charDimensions; }, calculateCharDimensions: function() { var $tmpChild = $('MMMMMMMMMM'); this.getDOMNode().appendChild($tmpChild[0]); var $span = $tmpChild.find('.char'); var charDimensions = {}; $tmpChild.addClass('font-small'); charDimensions.small = { width: $span.width() / 10, height: $tmpChild.height() }; $tmpChild.removeClass('font-small'); $tmpChild.addClass('font-medium'); charDimensions.medium = { width: $span.width() / 10, height: $tmpChild.height() }; $tmpChild.removeClass('font-medium'); $tmpChild.addClass('font-big'); charDimensions.big = { width: $span.width() / 10, height: $tmpChild.height() }; $tmpChild.remove(); this.setState({ charDimensions: charDimensions }); }, startBlinking: function() { this.cursorBlinkInvervalId = setInterval(this.flip, 500); }, stopBlinking: function() { clearInterval(this.cursorBlinkInvervalId); }, restartBlinking: function() { this.stopBlinking(); this.reset(); this.startBlinking(); }, reset: function() { this.setState({ cursorInverted: false }); }, flip: function() { this.setState({ cursorInverted: !this.state.cursorInverted }); }, }); })(typeof exports === 'undefined' ? (this.asciinema = this.asciinema || {}) : exports); (function(exports) { var dom = React.DOM; exports.Timer = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Timer', // props.currentTime // props.totalTime render: function() { return ( dom.span({ className: "timer" }, dom.span({ className: "time-elapsed" }, this.elapsedTime()), dom.span({ className: "time-remaining" }, this.remainingTime()) ) ) }, remainingTime: function() { var t = this.props.totalTime - this.props.currentTime; return "-" + this.formatTime(t); }, elapsedTime: function() { return this.formatTime(this.props.currentTime); }, formatTime: function(seconds) { if (seconds < 0) { seconds = 0; } return "" + this.minutes(seconds) + ":" + this.seconds(seconds); }, minutes: function(s) { var minutes = Math.floor(s / 60) return this.pad2(minutes); }, seconds: function(s) { var seconds = Math.floor(s % 60) return this.pad2(seconds); }, pad2: function(number) { if (number < 10) { return '0' + number; } else { return number; } } }); })(window.asciinema = window.asciinema || {});