require 'spec_helper' require 'rack/mock' describe AuthCookieStrategy do let(:strategy) { } let(:env) { Rack::MockRequest.env_for('', 'HTTP_COOKIE' => cookies) } describe '#valid?' do subject { strategy.valid? } context "when auth_token is present in cookies" do let(:cookies) { 'auth_token=abc' } it { should be(true) } end context "when auth_token isn't present in cookies" do let(:cookies) { '' } it { should be(false) } end end describe '#authenticate!' do subject { strategy.authenticate! } let(:cookies) { "auth_token=#{auth_token}" } let(:auth_token) { "yadayadayada" } before do allow(User).to receive(:for_auth_token).with(auth_token) { user } end context "when user exists for given token" do let(:user) { } it "halts the chain" do subject expect(strategy).to be_halted end it "sets the proper user" do subject expect(strategy.user).to eq(user) end end context "when user doesn't exist for given token" do let(:user) { nil } it "doesn't halt the chain" do subject expect(strategy).to_not be_halted end it "doesn't set user" do subject expect(strategy.user).to be(nil) end end end end