require 'spec_helper' describe Api::CommentsController do let(:user) { Factory(:user) } let(:asciicast) { mock_model(Asciicast) } before do login_as(user) end describe "#create" do before do Asciicast.stub(:find).and_return(asciicast) end context "given valid data" do def dispatch post :create, :asciicast_id =>, :comment => { "body" => "Foo" }, :format => :json end before do Comment.any_instance.should_receive(:save).and_return(true) end it "response status should be 201" do dispatch response.status.should == 201 end end context "given not valid data" do def dispatch post :create, :asciicast_id =>, :comment => {}, :format => :json end it "response should be 422" do dispatch response.status.should == 422 end end end describe "#index" do before do Asciicast.stub(:find).and_return(asciicast) end it "return comments" do asciicast.should_receive(:comments).and_return([]) get :index, :asciicast_id => end end describe "#destroy" do let(:comment) { mock_model(Comment).as_null_object } before do Comment.stub(:find).with("1").and_return(comment) end context "when user is creator of comment" do before do comment.stub(:user).and_return(user) end it "calls destroy on comment" do comment.should_receive(:destroy) delete :destroy, :id => 1, :format => :json end end context "when user is not creator of comment" do let(:other_user) { Factory(:user) } before do comment.stub(:user).and_return(other_user) end it "doesn't call destroy on comment" do comment.should_not_receive(:destroy) delete :destroy, :id => 1, :format => :json end it "responses with 403 when xhr" do xhr :delete, :destroy, :id => 1, :format => :json response.status.should == 403 end end end end