.container.edit-page .row .col-md-9 = horizontal_form_for page.user do |f| legend Account settings = f.input :username = f.input :email, required: true = f.input :name, label: 'Full name' = f.input :theme_name, label: 'Terminal theme', collection: themes_for_select, include_blank: default_user_theme_label, hint: 'Applies to all your asciicasts unless custom theme chosen for a specific asciicast' - if page.show_privacy_controls? = f.input :asciicasts_private_by_default, label: 'Asciicast visibility', as: :radio_buttons, collection: [['public', false], ['private', true]], hint: 'Applies to all *new* asciicasts' = f.buttons do = f.button :submit, 'Save', class: 'btn-primary' = link_to 'Cancel', profile_path(current_user), class: 'btn' .row .col-md-12 legend Recorder tokens - if page.show_tokens? p The following recorder tokens have been associated with your account: - unless page.active_tokens.empty? ul - page.active_tokens.each do |token| li = token.token ' registered = time_ago_tag token.created_at ' - = link_to 'Revoke', api_token_path(token), method: :delete - unless page.revoked_tokens.empty? ul - page.revoked_tokens.each do |token| li.revoked-token = token.token ' registered = time_ago_tag token.created_at ' , revoked = time_ago_tag token.revoked_at - else p | If you want your recordings to be assigned to your profile you have to register your local recorder token. p ' There is currently no recorder token associated with your account. Run code asciinema auth | in your terminal to register one.