.home-page section.cinema .container .row .col-md-5 h1 ' Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way. h2 ' Forget screen recording apps and blurry video. Enjoy a lightweight, purely text-based approach to terminal recording. p '   p button type="button" class="btn btn-success" data-toggle="popover" data-content="#{render(partial: 'docs/quick_install').gsub('"', "'")}

Start recording with:

asciinema rec
" Start Recording p ' Supports Linux, Mac OS X and *BSD .col-md-7 .player-wrapper = player page.asciicast, page.playback_options if page.asciicast section.even .container .row.about .col-md-12 h3 ' asciinema em abbr title="from English ASCII + from Ancient Greek κίνημα (kínēma, “movement”)" ' [as-kee-nuh-muh] ' is a free and open source solution for recording terminal sessions and sharing them on the web. Read about a href=docs_path('how-it-works') how it works ' . section.odd .container .row.features .col-md-4 h1 Simple recording p ' Record right where you work - in a terminal. To start just run asciinema rec, to finish hit Ctrl-D or type exit. p a href=docs_path('getting-started') Get started » .col-md-4 h1 Copy & paste p ' Any time you see a command you'd like to try in your own terminal just pause the player and copy-paste the content you want. It's just a text after all! .col-md-4 h1 Embedding p ' Easily embed an asciicast player in your blog post, project documentation page or in your conference talk slides. p a href=docs_path(:embedding) See the embedding docs » section.even .container .row .col-md-12 h1 Featured asciicasts .asciicast-list = render 'asciicasts/previews', asciicasts: page.featured_asciicasts, per_row: 3, no_created_at: true p a href=category_path(:featured) class="btn btn-success" Browse featured asciicasts .row .col-md-12 h1 Latest public asciicasts .asciicast-list = render 'asciicasts/previews', asciicasts: page.latest_asciicasts, per_row: 3 p a href=browse_path class="btn btn-success" Browse all asciicasts