Update AnsiInterpreter specs to handle new implementation

Marcin Kulik 12 years ago
parent 5106439ab2
commit d95da9635a

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class AsciiIo.AnsiInterpreter
return 1
else if match = data.match(/^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xe2-\xe8]..|[\xc3-\xc5].|[\xa1-\xfe])+/)
else if match = data.match(/^([\x20-\x7e]|[\xe2-\xe8]..|[\xc2-\xc5].|[\xa1-\xfe])+/)
return match[0].length
@ -159,22 +159,29 @@ class AsciiIo.AnsiInterpreter
switch term
when "@"
@cb 'insertCharacters', n
@cb 'reserveCharacters', n
when "A"
n = 1 if n is undefined
@cb 'priorRow', n
when "B"
n = 1 if n is undefined
@cb 'nextRow', n
when "C"
n = 1 if n is undefined
@cb 'nextColumn', n
when "D"
n = 1 if n is undefined
@cb 'priorColumn', n
when "E"
@cb 'nextRowFirstColumn', n
when "F"
@cb 'priorRowFirstColumn', n
when "G"
n = 1 if n is undefined
@cb 'goToColumn', n
when "H"
n = 1 if n is undefined
m = 1 if m is undefined
@cb 'goToRowAndColumn', n, m
when "I"
@cb 'goToNextHorizontalTabStop', n

@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
describe 'AsciiIo.AnsiInterpreter', ->
data = interpreter = calls = checkNumber = undefined
callback = (action, args...) -> calls.push arguments
parse = (data, expectedRest) ->
rest = interpreter.parse data
if arguments.length is 2
expect(rest).toEqual expectedRest
expectCall = (args...) ->
n = checkNumber
checkNumber += 1
console.log calls[n]
expect(calls[n]).toEqual args
expectNoCall = ->
console.log calls[0]
expect(calls.length).toEqual 0
isSwallowed = ->
parse data, ''
beforeEach ->
calls = []
checkNumber = 0
interpreter = new AsciiIo.AnsiInterpreter callback
describe '#parse', ->
it 'returns not parsed data', ->
parse '\x1b', '\x1b'
it 'returns empty string if all data was parsed', ->
parse 'abc def', ''
describe 'C0 set control character', ->
# A single character with an ASCII code within the ranges: 000 to 037 and
# 200 to 237 octal, 00 - 1F and 80 - 9F hex.
describe 'x07', ->
it 'calls bell', ->
parse '\x07'
expectCall 'bell'
describe 'x08', ->
it 'calls backspace', ->
parse '\x08'
expectCall 'backspace'
describe 'x09', ->
it 'calls goToNextHorizontalTabStop', ->
parse '\x09'
expectCall 'goToNextHorizontalTabStop'
describe 'x0a', ->
it 'calls lineFeed', ->
parse '\x0a'
expectCall 'lineFeed'
describe 'x0b', ->
it 'calls verticalTab', ->
parse '\x0b'
expectCall 'verticalTab'
describe 'x0c', ->
it 'calls formFeed', ->
parse '\x0c'
expectCall 'formFeed'
describe 'x0d', ->
it 'calls carriageReturn', ->
parse '\x0d'
expectCall 'carriageReturn'
describe 'x84', ->
it 'calls index', ->
parse '\x84'
expectCall 'index'
describe 'x85', ->
it 'calls newLine', ->
parse '\x85'
expectCall 'newLine'
describe 'x88', ->
it 'calls setHorizontalTabStop', ->
parse '\x88'
expectCall 'setHorizontalTabStop'
describe 'x8d', ->
it 'calls reverseIndex', ->
parse '\x8d'
expectCall 'reverseIndex'
describe 'other', ->
it "is swallowed", ->
for c in ['\x00', '\x0e', '\x0f', '\x82', '\x94']
parse c, ''
describe 'printable character', ->
describe 'from ASCII range (0x20-0x7e)', ->
it 'calls print', ->
parse '\x20foobar\x7e', ''
expectCall 'print', '\x20foobar\x7e'
describe 'from Unicode', ->
it 'calls print', ->
parse '\xe2ab\xe8ZZ', ''
expectCall 'print', '\xe2ab\xe8ZZ'
parse '\xc2\x09\xc4b\xc5c', ''
expectCall 'print', '\xc2\x09\xc4b\xc5c'
parse '\xa1A\xc9\xfe', ''
expectCall 'print', '\xa1A\xc9\xfe'
describe 'escape sequence', ->
# 2 or 3 character string starting with ESCape. (Four or more character
# strings are allowed but not defined.)
beforeEach ->
data = '\x1b'
describe 'with C0 control nested inside another escape sequence', ->
# C0 Control = 00-1F
# Interpret the character, then resume processing the sequence.
# Example: CR, LF, XON, and XOFF work as normal within an ESCape
# sequence.
# it 'stops interpreting current seq and handles nested C0 control char', ->
# data += '[1\x1b\x0dm'
# parse data, ''
# expectCall 'cr'
# expectCall 'updateBrush', bright: true
describe 'with intermediate', ->
# Intermediate = 20-2F !"#$%&'()*+,-./
# Expect zero or more intermediates, a parameter terminates a private
# function, an alphabetic terminates a standard sequence. Example: ESC
# ( A defines standard character set, ESC ( 0 a DEC set.
describe '(', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '('
describe 'A', ->
beforeEach ->
data += 'A'
it 'calls setUkCharset', ->
parse data
expectCall 'setUkCharset'
describe 'B', ->
beforeEach ->
data += 'B'
it 'calls setUsCharset', ->
parse data
expectCall 'setUsCharset'
describe 'followed by parameter', ->
# private function
describe 'followed by an alphabetic', ->
# standard sequence
describe 'with parameter', ->
# Parameter = 30-3F 0123456789:;<=>?
# End of a private 2-character escape sequence. Example: ESC = sets
# special keypad mode, ESC > clears it.
describe '7', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '7'
it 'saves terminal state', ->
parse data
expectCall 'saveTerminalState'
describe '8', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '8'
it 'restores terminal state', ->
parse data
expectCall 'restoreTerminalState'
describe '=', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '='
it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe '>', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '>'
it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe 'with uppercase', ->
# Translate it into a C1 control character and act on it. Example: ESC
# D does indexes down, ESC M indexes up. (CSI is special)
describe 'M', ->
# Reverse Index, go up one line, reverse scroll if necessary
beforeEach ->
data += 'M'
it 'goes up 1 line', ->
parse data
expectCall 'reverseIndex'
describe 'P', ->
# Device Control String, terminated by ST
beforeEach ->
data += 'Pfoobar\\'
# it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe ']', ->
# Operating system command
describe '0;...BELL', ->
beforeEach ->
data += ']0;foobar\x07'
it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe '1;...BELL', ->
beforeEach ->
data += ']1;foobar\x07'
it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe '2;...BELL', ->
beforeEach ->
data += ']2;foobar\x07'
it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe 'with lowercase', ->
# Lowercase = 60-7E `abcdefghijlkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
# End of a standard 2-character escape sequence. Example: ESC c resets
# the terminal.
describe 'with delete', ->
# Delete = 7F
# Ignore it, and continue interpreting the ESCape sequence C1 and G1:
# Treat the same as their 7-bit counterparts
describe 'with control sequence', ->
# A string starting with CSI (233 octal, 9B hex) or with ESC[
# (Left-Bracket) and terminated by an alphabetic character. Any number of
# parameter characters (digits 0 to 9, semicolon, and question mark) may
# appear within the Control Sequence. The terminating character may be
# preceded by an intermediate character (such as space).
beforeEach ->
data += '['
describe '@', ->
it 'calls reserveCharacters', ->
data += '3@'
parse data
expectCall 'reserveCharacters', 3
describe 'A', ->
it 'calls priorRow(1) if no number given', ->
data += 'A'
parse data
expectCall 'priorRow', 1
it 'calls priorRow(n) if number given', ->
data += '3A'
parse data
expectCall 'priorRow', 3
describe 'B', ->
it 'calls nextRow(1) if no number given', ->
data += 'B'
parse data
expectCall 'nextRow', 1
it 'calls nextRow(n) if number given', ->
data += '3B'
parse data
expectCall 'nextRow', 3
describe 'C', ->
it 'calls nextColumn(1) if no number given', ->
data += 'C'
parse data
expectCall 'nextColumn', 1
it 'calls nextColumn(n) if number given', ->
data += '3C'
parse data
expectCall 'nextColumn', 3
describe 'D', ->
it 'calls priorColumn(1) if no number given', ->
data += 'D'
parse data
expectCall 'priorColumn', 1
it 'calls priorColumn(n) if number given', ->
data += '3D'
parse data
expectCall 'priorColumn', 3
describe 'G', ->
it 'calls goToColumn(n)', ->
data += '3G'
parse data
expectCall 'goToColumn', 3
describe 'H', ->
it 'calls goToRowAndColumn(n, m) when n and m given', ->
data += '3;4H'
parse data
expectCall 'goToRowAndColumn', 3, 4
it 'calls goToRowAndColumn(1, m) when no n given', ->
data += ';3H'
parse data
expectCall 'goToRowAndColumn', 1, 3
it 'calls goToRowAndColumn(n, 1) when no m given', ->
data += '3;H'
parse data
expectCall 'goToRowAndColumn', 3, 1
it 'calls goToRowAndColumn(n, 1) when no m given (no semicolon)', ->
data += '3H'
parse data
expectCall 'goToRowAndColumn', 3, 1
it 'calls goToRowAndColumn(1, 1) when no n nor m given', ->
data += 'H'
parse data
expectCall 'goToRowAndColumn', 1, 1
describe 'J', ->
it 'calls eraseToScreenEnd when no n given', ->
data += 'J'
parse data
expectCall 'eraseToScreenEnd'
it 'calls eraseToScreenEnd when 0 given', ->
data += '0J' # TODO check if it's 0 or 3
parse data
expectCall 'eraseToScreenEnd'
it 'calls eraseFromScreenStart when 1 given', ->
data += '1J'
parse data
expectCall 'eraseFromScreenStart'
it 'calls eraseScreen when 2 given', ->
data += '2J'
parse data
expectCall 'eraseScreen'
describe 'K', ->
it 'calls eraseToRowEnd when no n given', ->
data += 'K'
parse data
expectCall 'eraseToRowEnd'
it 'calls eraseToRowEnd when 0 given', ->
data += '0K' # TODO: check if its 0 or 3
parse data
expectCall 'eraseToRowEnd'
it 'calls eraseFromRowStart when 1 given', ->
data += '1K'
parse data
expectCall 'eraseFromRowStart'
it 'calls eraseRow when 2 given', ->
data += '2K'
parse data
expectCall 'eraseRow'
describe 'L', ->
it 'calls insertLines(1) when no n given', ->
data += 'L'
parse data
expectCall 'insertLines', 1
it 'calls insertLines(n) when n given', ->
data += '3L'
parse data
expectCall 'insertLines', 3
describe 'M', ->
it 'calls deleteLines(1) when no n given', ->
data += 'M'
parse data
expectCall 'deleteLines', 1
it 'calls deleteLines(n) when n given', ->
data += '3M'
parse data
expectCall 'deleteLines', 3
describe 'd', ->
it 'calls goToRow(n)', ->
data += '3d'
parse data
expectCall 'goToRow', 3
describe 'm', ->
it 'calls handleSGR([n, m, ...]) when n and m given', ->
data += '1;4;33m'
spyOn interpreter, 'handleSGR'
parse data
expect(interpreter.handleSGR).toHaveBeenCalledWith([1, 4, 33])
it 'calls handleSGR([]) when no n nor m given', ->
data += 'm'
spyOn interpreter, 'handleSGR'
parse data
describe 'P', ->
it 'calls deleteCharacters(1) when no n given', ->
data += 'P'
parse data
expectCall 'deleteCharacters', 1
it 'calls deleteCharacters(n) when n given', ->
data += '3P'
parse data
expectCall 'deleteCharacters', 3
describe 'c', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '>c'
it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe 'from private standards', ->
# first character after CSI is one of: " < = > (074-077 octal, 3C-3F )
describe 'DEC/xterm specific', ->
describe '$~', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '$~'
it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe '?', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '?'
describe '1h', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '1h'
it 'is swallowed', isSwallowed
describe '25h', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '25h'
it 'shows cursor', ->
parse data
expectCall 'showCursor'
describe '25l', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '25l'
it 'hides cursor', ->
parse data
expectCall 'hideCursor'
describe '47h', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '47h'
it 'switches to alternate buffer', ->
parse data
expectCall 'switchToAlternateBuffer'
describe '47l', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '47l'
it 'switches to normal buffer', ->
parse data
expectCall 'switchToNormalBuffer'
describe '1049h', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '1049h'
it 'saves cursor position, switches to alternate buffer and clear screen', ->
parse data
expectCall 'switchToAlternateBuffer'
expectCall 'eraseScreen'
describe '1049l', ->
beforeEach ->
data += '1049l'
it 'clears screen, switches to normal buffer and restores cursor position', ->
parse data
expectCall 'eraseScreen'
expectCall 'switchToNormalBuffer'