You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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class AsciiIo.HudView extends Backbone.View
tagName: 'pre'
className: 'hud'
'click .toggle': 'togglePlay'
13 years ago
'click .progress span': 'seek'
initialize: (options) ->
@duration = undefined
@cols = options.cols
@lastArrowWidth = undefined
calculateElementWidths: ->
@toggleWidth = 4
@timeWidth = 7
@progressWidth = @cols - @toggleWidth - @timeWidth
createChildViews: ->
toggle = '<span class="toggle"> <span class="play">=></span><span class="pause">||</span> '
progress = '<span class="progress">'
time = '<span class="time">'
setDuration: (@duration) ->
togglePlay: ->
13 years ago
seek: (e) ->
index = $(
percent = 100 * index / (@progressWidth - 2)
@trigger('seek-click', percent)
13 years ago
onPause: ->
onResume: ->
updateTime: (time) ->
if @duration
progress = Math.round(100 * time / 1000 / @duration)
@setProgress progress
setProgress: (percent) ->
arrowWidth = Math.floor((percent / 100.0) * (@progressWidth - 3))
arrowWidth = 1 if arrowWidth < 1
if arrowWidth != @lastArrowWidth
arrow = '='.times(arrowWidth) + '>'
filler = ' '.times(@progressWidth - 3 - arrowWidth)
13 years ago
bar = arrow + filler
chars = _(bar.split('')).map (c) -> "<span>#{c}</span>"
html = chars.join('')
@$('.progress').html('[' + html + ']')
@lastArrowWidth = arrowWidth
formattedTime: (time) ->
secondsTotal = time / 1000
minutes = Math.floor(secondsTotal / 60)
seconds = Math.floor(secondsTotal % 60)
" #{@pad2(minutes)}:#{@pad2(seconds)} "
pad2: (number) ->
if number < 10
'0' + number