You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
2.1 KiB

'use strict';
var remark = require('remark');
var man = require('remark-man');
var remarkUnlink = require('remark-unlink');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var fsReadFile = Promise.promisify(require('fs').readFile);
var fsWriteFile = Promise.promisify(require('fs').writeFile);
var fsUnlink = Promise.promisify(require('fs').unlink);
var path = require('path');
var getArticlePath = require('./util').getArticlePath;
var sanitize = require('sanitize-filename');
var tmp = require('tmp');
var temp = null;
exports.convert = convert;
exports.getContents = getContents;
exports.tmpSave = tmpSave;
exports.removeTmp = removeTmp;
exports.processMd = processMd;
exports.getTmp = function getTmpLoc() { return temp; };
function convert(contents, options) {
return remark.use(man, options).process(contents);
function getContents(article) {
article.path = getArticlePath(article.mdPath);
return fsReadFile(article.path, 'utf-8').then(function readArticle(contents) {
article.contents = contents;
article.title = sanitize(article.title);
return article;
}).catch(function failReadArticle(err) {
console.log('Can\'t read ' + article.path + '. This should never happen. Try refreshing the database?');
console.log('Error: ' + err);
function tmpSave(roff) {
temp = tmp.fileSync().name;
return fsWriteFile(temp, roff, 'utf8').then(function writeRoff() {
temp = path.resolve(temp);
return temp;
}).catch(function catchWrite(err2) {
console.log('Could not write the temporary roff page');
console.log('Error: ' + err2);
function removeTmp() {
return fsUnlink(temp).then(function deleteTmp() {
return 'done';
}).catch(function catchUnlink(err) {
console.log('Could not delete the temporary file at ' + temp);
console.log('Error: ', + err);
function processMd(article) {
article.contents = article.contents.split('\n').map(function fixContents(line) {
return line.replace(/^( *)\* +((\[[\d\.]+ )(.+?)\]\(#(.+?)\))$/i, '$1$2 ');
article.contents = remark().use(remarkUnlink).process(article.contents);
return article;