A tool to browse and search a constantly updated local copy of the entire (English) Arch Wiki on the command line using `man`. # Installation ``` npm install -g arch-wiki-man ``` ![screenshot](./docs/screenshot.png) # Usage & Examples ## `awman` ``` awman beginners guide ``` Just one match for `beginners guide` so the article will open with `man`. By the way, `awman` stands for arch wiki man. ## Multiple matches ``` awman guide ``` There are multiple matches for `guide` so a selection menu will be displayed. Use the arrow keys or vim-style keybindings (j/k) to select the one to read. ## Search in descriptions ``` awman -d i3 ``` The `-d` or `--desc-search` option causes searches to scan both the titles _and_ the descriptions for a match. ## Apropos ``` awman -k wayland ``` The familiar `-k` or `--apropos` option causes searches to scan the contents for a match as well. This option makes searches run significantly slower. ## Open in a browser ``` awman -w tmux ``` The `-w` or `--web` option opens the resulting match in a web browser rather than with `man`. It uses `xdg-open` to open the relevant url in your default browser. # Updating ``` npm install -g arch-wiki-man ``` Updates are pushed automatically every two days to `https://github.com/greg-js/arch-wiki-md-repo`, a dependency for this project. Whenever the install command is run, the changes will be fetched. # License Licensed under GPLv3