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# 2bwm
From ArchWiki
**Warning:** 2bwm is still in alpha stage and should be used cautiously. At the moment, 2bwm is only for advanced users.
[2bwm](<sup><small>AUR</small></sup> is a fast floating WM, with the particularity of having 2 borders, written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm written by Michael Cardell. In 2bwm everything is accessible from the keyboard but a pointing device can be used for move, resize and raise/lower. The name has recently changed from mcwm-beast to 2bwm.
## Contents
* [1 Installation](#Installation)
* [2 Configuration](#Configuration)
* [2.1 Starting 2bwm](#Starting_2bwm)
## Installation
[Install](/index.php/Install "Install") [2bwm](<sup><small>AUR</small></sup>. Although the installation process can be automatic, if directly building from the AUR, it is highly recommended to read and edit the "config.h" file in the source directory.
## Configuration
### Starting 2bwm
2bwm generally starts from a script, either from [startx](/index.php/Startx "Startx") or from a login manager such as [XDM](/index.php/XDM "XDM").
If it starts from the console, a .xinitrc file is needed. Here is a complete example:
# Set a nice background.
xsetroot -solid grey20
# Load resources.
xrdb -load ~/.Xresources
# Start window manager in the background. If it dies, X still lives.
2bwm &
# Start a terminal in the foreground. If this dies, X dies.
exec urxvt
2bwm used to have startup options. They have been removed because editing the config file was more convenient.
## See also
* [2bwm]( - the GitHub repository for 2bwm
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[Category](/index.php/Special:Categories "Special:Categories"):
* [Stacking WMs](/index.php/Category:Stacking_WMs "Category:Stacking WMs")